Heart Choices: Our Heavenly Home -->

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Our Heavenly Home

Today I should be writing my Fitness Friday post but I have other things on my mind. Life is so uncertain and these times are like I've never experienced.

And yet the valuable lessons I'm learning right now are being used ...for good and for God's glory.

I'm a daydreamer. As a kid, I imagined exactly how my house would look when I got married. It would have a white picket fence and lots of flowers.

It would be a place of refuge. I often tell my husband that I think of our home as a nest. Greg and I may go out into the world but we know that we can come home to a place of rest, peace and solitude.

Here we are like two love birds; LOL.

I enjoy decorating and creating an atmosphere of love and beauty in my home.

I love to visit blogs like:

~The Inspired Room

~A Soft Place to Land

~Nesting Place

But God ...wants us to remember that these are not our permanent homes.

I read this love letter from Sheri Rose Shepherd's book "His Princess: Love Letter From Your King".

"Did you know that I have prepared a home for you in heaven? It is more beautiful than you can ever imagine. Your eyes have not seen nor have you ears heard the majestic beauty that awaits you. But for now, My chosen one, I need you to learn to see your life from an eternal perspective. When you cross over into heaven, you won't be able to bring anything from your home here on earth. You're only here to bring forth My life-changing news of salvation. Don't collect things; collect people. I have called you to bring others to me. Remember, no one will grow closer to Me because of what you have. Tell them how much I love them. They need to know about My amazing plans for their lives and about the eternal kingdom that awaits them, too."

Your King and your Eternity Builder

No matter what your circumstances or where you live, remember ...this isn't our permanent home. We're just passing through.

So, don't cling too tightly to the things of this world.

1 Corinthians 2:9 (GUSTAVE DORE)

May you spread the love of Jesus wherever you live.

Blessings to each one of you and thank you for visiting Heart Choices.

Debbie Petras
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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I have to admit, there are times, I only see want this world has to offer.
    What a beautiful reminder of things to come.

    I love reading the letters from our King.

  3. Debbie - what a beautiful heart choice!

    Letting go of the things of this world to be whatever God wants you to be and find beauty there. Content! Peaceful!

    Because our plans are not His, nor are His ways. THANK YOU GOD!

    Big hugs precious friend - can't wait to meet you in a few months!


  4. AMen my friend. It's not worth getting caught up with all the stuff in this world. They can be such distractions and we then tend to lose our focus!
    Loved your heart today.

  5. Debbie,
    What a great reminder of where our focus should be.

    Because my husband and I lost everything (our home included) a few years back I find myself striving for a nice, inviting, comfortable home. Ours isn't large, but I do occasionally find myself obsessing over wanting to make it just so.

    What a fantastic reminder that none of this will go with me in the end. My home is Heaven will be more wonderful than I can imagine and I look forward to sharing it with more guests than I can imagine!

  6. Oh Debbie you have no idea how much I needed to hear this today. I have been having such a hard week. I have so much to do to get ready for Thanksgiving...things need cleaning, making a dozen aprons, making sure I've dishes for 25 people, preparing my guest rooms etc. I always want everything to be warm and welcoming and enjoyable for all who come, and all while I deal with taking care of my grandkids. I've always been able to just buckle down and get it done in the past, but this year the arthritis is soo bad and I am soo slow and everything little thing I do makes me hurt so much that I am wondering if I will make it. I am discouraged and depressed thinking that this may be my new lot in life. But the truth is (PRAISE GOD) we are just passing through. We will take none of this with us to other side. We won't deal with physical limitations and will no longer be fighting dust and broken things. I prayed this morning that the Lord would adjust my attitude and help me get things done I really do need to do and not worry about things I don't, and both blogs I've visited this morning have talked right to my heart. Cooincidence? I think not. The Lord is soo good. Thanks for this. Blessings, Debbie

    I need that book...it is wonderful!!

  7. Debbie, such a wonderful post on keeping our perspective. Thank you for sharing it for only as we open our hands to the Lord offering those things/people we love can He fill them with His riches. Hugs to you today.

  8. Debbie - This is the third time this week the Holy Spirit has refocused my sites toward "Home"!

    I was perusing books at the thrift store the other day and found an old, old, book of poetry. The one that caught my eye was about our "Home, Blessed, Home - Heaven". I stood there with tears welling as I read it!

    Then over at Beth's site
    her post on Monday 11/9/09 was about face to face fellowship with Jesus before the throne.

    Oh, what a day of rejoicing that will be!

    Thanks so much for sharing and encouraging my heart today!

    Sweet Blessings!

  9. I love that part of the letter: "Don't collect things; collect people."

  10. This is always something to keep in mind. My earthly home is far from what we see in magazines but I honestly try not to dwell on that. I appreciate what the Lord has given but I also hold it with an open hand.

  11. I am currently writing our church's e-newsletter to announce the topic for this Sunday, which comes from Phil. 1:12-20.

    Amazing stuff to encourage us about going through life's difficulties! God has great plans for us even at these uncertain times. He will use times like these times for His glory if we allow Him to work through us and remember that He is sovereign no matter what.

    He IS up to something good! I have seen that with my own eyes, having come through two of the most uncertain years of our life!

    Praying for you (and thanking you for linking up to me and my two best blogging friends! That warmed my heart.)


  12. I enjoyed your post. It is a matter of just doing it. We need to set priorities in this life. We are told in the Bible to be disciplined. We can walk in place watching tv if we can't do anything else. I like your pictures. Doylene

  13. Debbie,
    What a blessing you are. I'm crying as I'm reading your post. Such an appropriate reading for me today as I'm remembering Kali in heaven, yet missing her here. I did read on your "about me" page this week about you not having children. There are so many things I don't understand and that is one of them. And I'm also sorry your sister has had to live without her sweet babies (and your nieces/nephews) as well. There will be many sweet reunions in heaven!

    Thank you for your blogging ministry. You're touching so many, including me, with your heart choices!


  14. After talking with you today, Debbie--first time in person!--this message has a more powerful meaning for me. And I know it did for you when you wrote it. Thanks for sharing. And thank you, especially, for being a part of my "People Collection"--not to mention buying my new book. That meant a lot to me, not so much that you would buy the book but that you would take time out of your day to come meet me. You made my day!

  15. Beautiful post! You inspire me SO much!

  16. Debbie,
    This is absolutely wonderful!! i couldn't agree more! I always try to remember our home is our haven. A place to be loved unconditionally, to be honored, and refueled from this world that will tear you down from the first step out into it!

    Thankyou for this precious post! I love you dear friend!

  17. Hi Debbie :)

    I totally love the line in that letter that says "Do not collect things; collect people." That is so awesome. I've never really looked at it that way. I love how you make me step back and think about things :) Thank you :)

    Please know...that the Lord brings you to mind often...and every time he does....I pray for you :)

    I REALLY needed this post today. SO glad you wrote it :)

    Sending hugs your way,
    Kate :)

  18. I love how God navigates me with the internet and brings me right where I need to be. I am in the middle of some trials right now and you have no idea on how I needed to read this beautiful post.

    Thank you so much.....you are truly a vessel bringing a message from God.



  19. You couldn't hear my resounding AMEN to these words:

    "No matter what your circumstances or where you live, remember ...this isn't our permanent home. We're just passing through.

    So, don't cling too tightly to the things of this world."

    Thank you dear sister for ALWAYS bringing encouragement to my heart through Christ.

    I love you and I'm praying for you.

  20. A great post, Debbie ~ Lord use us for your glory. I sometimes wonder what our mansion in heaven will be like.

  21. Debbie I found your blog via the Inspired Room.Well actually I feel that God has guided me here. He is so amazing. I call my life one of Gods puzzle pieces. He sees the whole picture, kind of like looking at the picture on the box. My piece might touch one or two pieces or maybe more, depending on where he places me. I have had an interesting journey in blogland and have met so many wonderful ladies and received so many blessings. Today I am being blessed by you.Your post is something that just confirms something I am going through on my lifes journey. God is revealing to me more clearly where my path will take me. Thank you for this post and God Bless you and your testimony here on your blog. Kathysue

  22. Oh amen Debbie, sometimes it is hard not to cling to what is around us. But God wants us to cling to him. In fact he says "I am a jealous God." Whatever stands in the way between you and him, he will often remove. Hugs Luv you my friend.

  23. Debbie,

    You really blessed my heart today. Both with your link and with your beautiful reminder.

    Everything we see with our eyes now is temporary. It is good to long for eternity. It's a reminder that I need frequently.


  24. So beautiful Debbie. You're right, our focus shouldn't be on the things around us in the natural, but have a heavenly perspective.


I love to read your comments! I know you have something to share so join in the conversation. And thank you for taking the time.

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