It's Then Sings My Soul Saturday and I link up with Amy of Signs, Miracles and Wonders.
I have a list of songs that I accumulate during the week but I usually decide on Friday which one to use. It depends on what's going on in my life, my world or maybe what I'm learning in my walk with the Lord.
I had actually planned to use a different song today but felt that this song represents ...what I've been feeling lately.
This song is called "The Prayer" and the words express much about my own response to what is going on in the United States today.
God is being taken out of everything. No prayer at school. Tolerance has become the buzzword. As never before, I do believe we need to stand together as Christians and fight for the Truth. But as this song reminds me that needs to be done in love.
Rod Stone is a singer and songwriter who is a Christian. I encourage you to visit his website called "Stuff I Believe In". Here is his song called "The Prayer":