Heart Choices: Thankful Thursday ~ Rescue -->

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Thankful Thursday ~ Rescue

It's Thankful Thursday and my good friend Iris is our host at Grace Alone. The theme she chose is ...rescue.

I'm so thankful that I've been rescued from myself. I was born a sinner but I've been saved by the blood of Jesus. He paid my account in full so now ...I have peace with God.

Life may not be easy but I know I'm never alone. I live by faith in the One who saved me.

My heart is joyful as I allow this truth to sink in. This world isn't my home; I'm just passing through.

In the meantime, I'm amazed that God uses me in this world as a vessel for His Kingdom plans.

A person who is drowning can panic and fight the one who is attempting to rescue him. Jesus is our hope of rescue and ...He is trustworthy.

I'm so thankful that I can quit fighting and make the choice to submit my life to Him and then He can work in and through me ...to reach others.

Isn't that an awesome privilege to be used by God for His purposes?

You can link to Iris at Grace Alone to join in our visit other participating blogs on this Thankful Thursday.

Debbie Petras
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  1. Amen!! awesome privilege indeed :) Sometimes I think I am not worthy also to be used by HIM but then I am reminded that He just need my heart and not my qualifications.

  2. Hi Debbie,
    This was such a wonderful post.
    I love the cartoon. It is so true. Thanks for stopping by.
    Have an awesome week.

  3. Where do you find these awesome cartoons? I'm going to share this one with our Monday night bible study group!

    This one is great!!!

    Love you and AMEN to your post!


  4. Loving meeting and visiting with other women who love and serve the Lord. Thanks for your reminding us each of these truths. We never can hear them too many times.

  5. "the world is not our home we're just passing through" that's the truth!

    I enjoyed the blessing of your sharing today. I love you Sweetie.

  6. Yes, I am so thankful that "my anchor holds to the Solid Rock."
    There is a song that says, "In times like these, you need a Savior, in times like these you need an anchor...." We are difinitely living in "times like these.." We don't have to wait for the rescue team.....He's already here. All we need to do is grab hold.
    Thanks for reminding us to think on these things.
    Love you.

  7. This is just the word I needed today!

  8. Wow, what a neat theme. God has definitely rescued me and continues to do so.

    Bless you sweet Debbie!

  9. Wow, Debbie......what a beautiful TT post! Blessed my socks off, my friend.

    PS>>>>I am thankful for you!

    Big hugs!

  10. Amen...to be rescued from ourselves...through Christ alone...loved your words....

  11. I enjoyed your TT post and that cartoon is so great. Hope your day has been blessed.

  12. Oh Debbie,

    This world isn't my home; I'm just passing through.

    Me too sister, me too..

    Love you. Still praying for you everyday. hugs.

  13. Isn't it such an awesome promise that this world is just part of our journey to our eternal home. Praise the Lord =)

  14. I'm so thankful that I can quit fighting and make the choice to submit my life to Him and then He can work in and through me ...to reach others. --- God said that He will fight for me and give me victory. i stood and still is standing on this promise from God. thank you in joining me in praying for my husband. i know, i believe that God will rescue Him from satan.

    God bless you, debbie.

  15. Amen! What a great post and how very true!

  16. I do so enjoy reading your posts! I find myself always a bit behind in my blog reading... so will need to stream line those that I've been reading...but I will always keep yours on my "forever list" :o)

    Blessings & Aloha!

  17. Oh...I meant to say...you mentioned the rainbow after the rain when you were in Maui... that's one of the special things I noticed on the Big Island...some where, at some time, there seemed to always be a rainbow whenever I would think to look for one...

    No where else have I seen so many rainbows...
    In Hilo, on the Big Island, where my husband grew up, it's considered the wetter side, while Kona's the drier side of the island... so that could be the reason why...there was always some rain...sometimes long, but often just a short shower and then the sun would be back out shining a sparkle over the fresh, rain-covered greenery.

  18. Thanks for sharing that! Definitely worthy of our thanks!

  19. I'm just passing through is so important to remember. You are doing a great job with your blog. There is much I could learn from you. Blessings.

  20. Great thoughts. Hope your day is going well!

  21. Amen to that, Debbie. I really like the illustration you have used to make a point. Where would we be if we would not have that Anchor.

    Thank you so much for sharing your grateful heart with us.

    (((hugs))) and love...


I love to read your comments! I know you have something to share so join in the conversation. And thank you for taking the time.

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