How Does Your Faith Affect Your Personality?
I love family! This photo probably dates back to the early 1990's. My mom was quite the joker and the Sumstad's know how to laugh and have fun together.
This photo shows another side to my personality. My niece Katie and my sister Christine and I were hamming it up at Kristin's wedding over Labor Day weekend.
This is a collage created by my blogging friend Philip from Cyprus. I think it shows you a bit of my personality too. I love children, friends and family. And that middle photo tells you another aspect of Debbie. Greg gets that look which means "don't mess with me". :)
We may be born with a basic personality type but I believe life circumstances can impact our personality.
My results reveal that my primary personality is a Popular Sanguine. I love people and connecting with others. However, my second highest score is the Phlegmatic Peaceful personality. Although I love people, I also need time alone and quiet. Give me balance or I get cranky.
**Note: As Christians, and especially as Christian leaders, we should use personality tests
to better understand ourselves and others. They are not intended to lock us in to one particular personality. i.e. We are not allowed to blame our sin on our personality type. We are not slaves to our personality, we are slaves to Christ. If Christ is changing us day by day, He will sand away our rough edges so that we will become more like Him.* Florence Littauer
So back to our jamming question:
Does faith affect your personality?
I believe it does. As I grow in my faith and draw closer in my walk with the Lord, He begins to transform me. No amount of self-help can compare in any way to what God can do.
When I truly understand who I am in Christ:
- I become more God confident; not self-confident.
- I become more loving as His love overflows to others.
- I become less anxious as I learn to trust Him in all circumstances.
- I become less controlling as I realize that He holds my life in His hands.
- I become more joyful despite challenges and trials because of the hope that He provides.
However, on this side of eternity I still struggle with my flesh. I wish I could say that I'm always loving, calm, joyful, kind, compassionate, etc. But even yesterday the fleshly Debbie came out when I was talking to one of my closest friends.
I was in the midst of some very real trials when my good friend Helen called to see how I was doing. Believe me, she got an earful. I very quickly and emotionally ran down a list of what was happening. By the time we hung up, I felt bad about unloading but she reassured me that was OK. I realized that sometimes my closest friends see the fleshly Debbie more often that I care to admit. (Sorry Helen).
But when I abide in Christ, the fruit of the Spirit is more evident. In Romans 6, Paul writes about the struggle he had with sin and self. And Paul had even experienced a foretaste of heaven. I have the hope of heaven and life eternal with Christ but ...I struggle at times.
My heart's desire is to allow the Lord to transform me. Only He can soften the edges of my natural personality. As I learn to trust and obey Him, He provides me with opportunities to use the gifts He has given to me. Those gifts will be used for His Kingdom purposes.
As a result, it will be obvious to others that it's not Debbie but Christ in me. And then
...He gets all the glory.
Blessings and love,