Heart Choices: Love One Another -->

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Love One Another

MySpace Photography at CharmRoyal.com
Photo Credit: CharmRoyal.com
Does the world see love when they come into your church?

Do they see:
  • Bickering among members
  • Mumbling about the type of music: contemporary versus traditional hymns
  • Unforgiveness between people
  • All talk but not walking the walk
  • All prettied up and proper for Sunday church but arguing all the way in the car
  • People so busy they've no time to sit and talk or counsel and pray
  • A church performance with inspirational messages and awesome singers to entertain
Or do they see:
  • People who greet newcomers and ask their name and try to remember
  • A genuine concern for one another
  • Kindness towards one another
  • A belief in the power of prayer as the members pray for one another
  • Christ lifted up and all glory given to Him
  • Reading from the Bible and people actually opening up their Bibles
These are just a few examples that came to my mind.  I'm sure you could add many more.

Listen to what the Bible says in John 13:35 (New International Version):

"By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."

When people in the church truly love one another, there will be a difference.  What does love look like?

Here's an example of one I recently experienced.  A kind note in a card along with a package of new socks.  My friend noticed my socks were well worn when I took my sneakers off to weigh myself on her scale. I guess I could get out my sewing box but I think it's packed in a box in the garage somewhere.  :)

"Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love."  Ephesians 4:2 (NIV)

I believe the world would take notice if they truly saw something different in us.  Love one another in action ...causes people to notice. 

All too often the world hears dramatized stories of  Christians who have fallen and sinned.  Another reason to not join that group of hypocrites.

But I've personally experienced the love of God through other believers recently.  I wonder how people get through their trials and challenges without a personal relationship with the Lord?  Or without the love of friends and family who live out their faith?

Do you have any stories or examples you care to share? 

Have you seen love in action?
Blessings and love,
Debbie Petras
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  1. You are speaking my language Debbie!

    I loved this because it is such an important subject (if not the most important).

    John 13:35, that you have quoted is a scripture that often goes around in my head and my heart.

    Too often Church is just a Sunday outing, a club, a business enterprise. Too often Christ is nowhere to be seen inside those 4 walls.

    There is much I can do to lift my game in this area, of love. So, I am thankful for the reminder my precious friend/sister.

    I loved what your friend did for you. Such thoughtfulness, love in action, leaves such a huge impact of us (the recipient). Just like the cartoon you included... we become a living epistle, glorifying His name.

    Bless you darling and many hugs and love...

  2. Love what your friend did.

    I'm almost in tears reading this as I have felt that our church members are like this. We have been there 3 years and still feel like we don't "fit in". There are cliques and we aren't in them not that we want to be. My husband and I try to make everyone feel welcome when they come through the door. We've invited numerous people to do things, but we are the ones inviting. This past weekend I really got to the point where I was stressed to the point of sick about it. I gave it to the Lord yesterday. I pray that before we move next summer that God will unite the people in our church.

    Thank you so much for sharing this!

  3. Much truth spoken here sis, bless you for sharing. I love you.

  4. Oh, my goodness I don't know where to begin. This post absolutely touched me to the core this morning. I know how it feels to be in a, what Hubby and I call a "Sunday Church" and feeling like we don't belong and something is missing. That church feels like a painful lie.

    We are part of a church that lives the word, loves its people, serves our community, and works hard for everyone to feel and be included in as little or as much as they want to be. This church is less than a year old, but years in the making and I'm proud to be part of the team.

    Tonight we are joining our old Bible study group with many new people from our new church. I've been agonizing over the blending, our old and new friends coming together, having more than one church represented at this Bible study, and knowing I need to make everyone feel loved, valued, and included. Your post is perfect timing for me as I try to let my anxiety go and just let God work and Hubby and I just be ourselves.

    We are thrilled that our old friends want to be together again and our newer friends want to join in the fellowship. Our pastor is happy that we are ministering to our community and not just one church. It's going to be a tight squeeze in my family room since I'm expecting 16. Cozy is good :)

    Debbie, I truly feel so connected to your blog and your posts. You are an amazing writer and your heart is as big as well, The Grand Canyon- I'm thinking Arizona here. I'm thanking you for all you do to inspire me and you always have just the right words at just the right time.

  5. Debbie, this was such a good post! And the second time I have heard this in as many of days. My son taught on Sun. night and he was talking about just this very thing. How the Lord himself was MOST concerned about the unity of the church family. Our love for one another. Our forgiveness and acceptance of one another. For this is how we show His love to the rest of the world. I loved that you have shared this here. Have a wonderful day. HUGS, Debbie

  6. What a beautiful post. When I stop and think about it, I realize so many times I keep myself too busy at church (I play the piano, teach a Sunday School Class, facilitate a Women's Bible Study Group and I'm the pastor's wife). All that is fine, but too many times I use the busyness as an excuse not to be more friendly with people on a one on one basis. Thanks for this reminder that I need to be more like Jesus. I need to spend more time talking with people. It's not that I don't care, I just get a little nervous sometimes or probably even more than that I'm too self-absorbed. Okay, I'm not going to beat myself up over my past mistakes, but I am going to take your post to heart and try to be more open and loving one to one.

    Thank you

  7. What a thoughtful friend! And a great thought-provoking post from you. :)

  8. This really is a wonderful
    thought-provoking word, Debbie.
    Unfortunately, I think most
    everyone has been in a cold
    and loveless church at some
    time. I just want to exude
    love, love, love. That's
    what you do through your
    beautiful blog.
    Love & Prayers,

  9. Yes I have seen love in action recently and I was so humbled!!!! It so spoke the love of the Lord more than anything I can say...it also encouraged me to pass it forward...and I am trying to do just that...love in action, not in just word!

    Thanks for the push forward word!!

  10. I came over here to tell you that even though I don't come by often, you are very special to me. Is God's timing perfect or what?

    Love you my sweet friend!♥

    And I do go to the kind of church where people show genuine love. :)

  11. Great message about loving one another, Debbie. We need to remind ourselves often or else we are just playing church!

  12. 15 years ago, i used to be a guest soloist
    at our town's big methodist church. after
    telling my family how much these people
    loved each other, we moved over there.

    and i really have been blessed by their

  13. Great post. Jim and I visited a church this past Sunday and truly felt the Love. We have been visiting churches for a year and for most of them we came away as though we must have been invisible because no one spoke to us.

    Thank you for this timely post. Blessings dear sister...

  14. I am encouraged to read how you were blessed by your friend, Debbie, because so often I think about doing something for someone and do not follow through, thinking I may be imposing. But if I think of this in reverse, I would so appreciate the kindness given to me. I hope I will love others in action and not hesitate. Thank you for your wise words today.

    Love and hugs,

  15. You are right, Debbie - we need to really learn how to reach out. Like you said: we need to walk the walk.

    Thank you for the reminder that we our love should have actions.

    Love & peace,
    <>< Iris

  16. Aww, the LORD knew what you needed and sent those socks through someone who heard and obeyed Him. Beautiful!!!

    Love this message my friend. Praying for you!


I love to read your comments! I know you have something to share so join in the conversation. And thank you for taking the time.

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