I continue to study Ann Spangler's book "
Praying the Names of God
" and link up with Jill of
Forever N Ever N Always.
This week our focus is on God as Yahweh Nissi or The Lord My Banner.
A banner is like a flag or something that serves as a rallying point for troops prior to a battle and can be seen from a distance. Ann wrote:
When you pray to Yahweh Nissi, you are praying to the God who is powerful enough to overcome any foe.
Exodus 17:8-16 describes an encounter the Israelites had with their enemy, the Amalekites. As Joshua and the men fought, Moses, Aaron and Hur climbed atop a hill. Moses held the staff of God in his hands. As long as Moses was able to hold up the staff, the Israelites were winning. When Moses lowered his hands, the Amalekites were winning.
The battle continued for some time and as you might imagine, Moses' hands got tired. Praise God that Aaron and Hur were there beside him to help. They would hold his hands up on either side. Moses' hands remained steady until sunset and Joshua and the army won the battle over the Amalekites.
Moses built an altar and called it 'The Lord is my Banner'.
Just like the Israelites, we fight battles in our spiritual lives every day. My biggest enemy is my 'self'.
I don't know about you but I battle myself throughout the day. I start out great with a daily morning quiet time with all the best intentions. But then
...life happens.
My desire is to stay connected to the vine and abide. When I do this, I allow the Holy Spirit to work in and through me. I love it when this happens because I know it's not me. That's when the fruit of the Spirit is evident and I cannot claim the glory. Even my family knows it's God in me.
The reality is that I don't always stay connected. As long as I am on this side of eternity, there will be a battle with my flesh. I have to remind myself of who I am in Christ:
- The Lord is my banner.
- I am God's child.
- I am free from condemnation.
- My sins have been forgiven.
- I am the temple of God.
- I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me.
I struggle with my flesh most when I'm:
- Tired
- Hungry
- Not feeling well
Instead of indulging my flesh, I try to remember those signals and run to the Lord who is my Banner. I can pray to God as Yahweh Nissi.
Instead of reaching for something that may temporarily make me 'feel' better, I reach for the One who can help me overcome those desires.
Everyday is a battlefield. Will I choose to indulge my flesh and do what I want and when I want it?
Or will I make the heart choice to walk in the Spirit, abiding in Him? He is my banner if only I would look to Him.
Moses had Aaron and Hur beside him to help when he got tired. How grateful I am that the Lord has placed many people in my life who help keep me accountable and encouraged. Thank you Helen, Anna May, Sue and Marcia.
Through blogging I've been so blessed with so many new friends. What an encouragement it's been to read each comment. I love to receive emails and requests for prayer. What a privilege and honor to be used by God in this way.
Heart Choices may have begun as a heart health blog but it's evolved into so much more. My desire is to look to God as my banner each and every day as I abide in Him.
Blessings and love,