Heart Choices: In Other Words Tuesday ~ Famine of Truth -->

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In Other Words Tuesday ~ Famine of Truth

It's In Other Words Tuesday and Miriam of Miriam Pauline's Monologue is our host. 

She has chosen the following quote for us to write on this week:

Amos is a book from the Old Testament.  He was a man from Judah who was chosen to announce God's judgment on the northern kingdom (Israel).  This was a time of great prosperity that included much immorality, corruption, indulgent living and oppression of the poor.

Since God's people had not given themselves over to the Lord and instead disobeyed, there would be judgment and consequences to follow.  Amos warned them that they would be taken into captivity by a pagan nation.  Then when they finally called upon the name of the Lord ...there would be silence.

The silence of God; not something I would want to have happen.  Living in a time when I have the freedom to read the Bible from the Old Testament to the New Testament, I know that God speaks through His Word.  But these people didn't have the Scriptures. They counted on the prophets to speak God's truth to them.

As I read the passages of Amos, I can't help but think of our current day and time period. 

For years, we've lived in a time of great prosperity.  But recently we've all been impacted one way or another by the declining economy.  Many people are out of work.  Others have lost their homes.  Life has been turned upside down for many ...including me.

I believe this is also an opportunity to turn back to God and consecrate ourselves.  There's always a purpose for everything written in the Bible. 

Why do we need to read about Amos' warning to the people of Israel?

After all, we live in a time of grace.  Jesus paid the price for our sins.  When we receive that gift in our hearts, we are free from condemnation. 

But are we living a life of trust and obedience that comes from love?

Could it be that we are being warned today?  What's really important in life?  Consider these questions:
  • Do you really need a bigger home or another outfit? 
  • Are material things becoming so important to you that you're missing out on relationships?
  • Are you too busy to spend time with family or friends? 
  • Do you make the time to spend with the Lord each morning in prayer and reading the Bible?
  • Are you more interested in being entertained in church with the music and sermon? 
  • Do you want to hear the truth of God's Word even if that includes the topic of sin? 
  • Do you treat others with respect and love?
  • What happens when someone has an opinion that is different from your own?
  • Do people in your neighborhood know that you're a Christian? 
God is holy.  We are to be consistently growing is our relationship with Him.  We are to be transformed so that we reflect Jesus to a dying world.

Trust and obey and be willing ...to reflect Jesus to others.

Blessings and love,
Debbie Petras
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  1. Very sobering words and a reminder all around us that if there are things to cling to...It's the Word of God and even then not to be used to hide behind, but to use as a light for our words, our hearts, and how we see the world, rather than use the world to see others through.

  2. Great post Debbie! Thanks for joining us today.

  3. One of your best posts as far as I'm concerned. This topic has been heavy on my heart as well. We live like God will just ignore everything because of grace and forget He is also a just God. There are always consequences to sin whether it is personal sin or as a nation. It's not something I like to think about and could easily be in denial but His word says otherwise.

  4. Great questions for all of us! Great post. Thank you!
    Blessings, hugs, and prayers,

  5. "For years, we've lived in a time of great prosperity. But recently we've all been impacted one way or another by the declining economy . . . I believe this is also an opportunity to turn back to God and consecrate ourselves."

    Yes! Now is the time to turn our faces towards heaven in fervent prayer, seeking Him alone. I'm so thankful for the Word that is so freely given to us. I pray that I never neglect that gift or take it for granted. Thank you for participating in today's quote!

  6. So true! We need to fight so no one has to feel the silence of God in their lives.
    Thanks for sharing today!

  7. If only you could see the smile on my face as I read this post today - AMEN!

    I love you Debbie!

  8. A great list of questions that made me do a quick evaluation of myself (and I should do more than just a quick eval; I need to sit down and prayer about these too).

  9. the thought of His complete silence
    sent shudders down my spine.

    there is a scene from "a wrinkle in
    time" by madeliene l'engle that captures
    the horror of that.

    good and timely word!

  10. Awesome and eye-opening post Debbie, thank you for sharing that Scripture from Amos! I need to dig deeper in that book! Lori

  11. But are we living a life of trust and obedience that comes from love?

    This is a terrific question, Debbie. God does shower us with grace, but we grieve His heart when we aren't obedient and trust Him. Thanks for pointing this out.

  12. You mention judgement and consequences. That is something I strive to teach my sons. Our minister preached on the consequences of sin - and it really got my sons talking. I think to often society edges away from the consequences of actions, justifying it by saying, "well, we do not judge" or "everything is o.k." when in reality consequences are tough, no matter how pretty you try to paint it.

    Wonderful post!

  13. I enjoyed that very much, the questions, the thoughts, it makes one think doesn't it. Thanks for sharing.


I love to read your comments! I know you have something to share so join in the conversation. And thank you for taking the time.

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