Happy Monday morning! The word I have for today is ...transformation.I was so pleased to be back with my Sunday morning Bible Study Life Group yesterday. We've had some new people join us but most of the core group remains and for that I'm so grateful.We're going through a study called r12: True Spirituality. The cover of our study guide reads:
A Romans 12 guide to living as an authentic disciple of Jesus Christ.
It's interesting because as a young child, my nana brought my brother Steve and me to Vacation Bible School at her church one summer. My sister Chris was still a baby at this time.
We memorized the whole chapter of Romans 12 in the KJV and it has stuck with me.
Believe me, it's so much easier to memorize as a child. Moms, remember that and don't lose the opportunities.
However, as a committed life long learner, I'm never too old to memorize Scripture even though ...it's much more challenging.
But Romans 12:1-2 has become two special verses for me during this season of my life. It really tells us how to live the Christian life. Many people claim to be believers and followers of Jesus Christ but is there transformation that others see?I'm not pointing fingers because I was one of those people. I prayed the prayer as a child and invited Christ into my heart. I knew I had a ticket to heaven. But I didn't want to miss out on the fun in life. Or so I thought. Sin can be fun ...for a season.I prayed when:
- I was about to take a test
- I was going on an airplane
- I had a specific need
But when I think back, I doubt that anyone in my high school knew that inside I claimed to be a Christian. And to me, that is so sad.
Chip Ingram, President and Teaching Pastor of Living on the Edge teaches in this DVD r12 study.
5 practical steps of transformation:
- Hearing God's Word
- Reading God's Word
- Studying God's Word
- Memorizing God's Word
- Meditating on God's Word
In the busyness of your day, are you taking time to spend in God's Word?
My husband snapped another photo of me having my quiet time early in the morning recently.
I encourage you to establish a daily morning quiet time. Even if you have to set your alarm a bit early before your children awaken or if you can only spare 10-15 minutes right now; it's a start.
I can guarantee that the more time you spend in this way, the more time you'll want to spend. And transformation happens. After all, you can't spend time with the Lord and not be changed.
The byproduct is ...the fruit of the Spirit.
And even non Christians are drawn to those qualities. Who can resist love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control?
Will you commit to spending some time each morning in quietness before God?
If you have any specific suggestions for establishing this heart choice, please add your comments. I love to read each one of them.