Do you long to be significant; to feel that your life is worth something?
People often attempt to seek significance through a variety of ways including:
- Fame
- Popularity
- Financial success
- Career success
- Beauty
- Being loved by someone
- Marriage
- Parenthood
- Doing good works
- Being an inventor
- Curing cancer
A few of the ways I listed may be good things.
But recently it really hit me when I was listening to one of Scott Samter's Bible teachings on his blog Opening His Word Together. BTW, he's Jill's hubby of Forever N Ever N Always.
Scott asked how many people remember the names of their great grandparents. Few could say the first and last name of them. It really hit me that we are here for such a short time and yet ... we crave to be remembered.
I realized that I am significant because of who I belong to. I am not significant because I am a nice person or I can help someone. The One true living God loves me and calls me His child. He longs to spend time with me because I am in relationship with Him through Jesus.Who am I? The words of this song have been continually playing in my head all day today. I had to post this video of Casting Crowns singing it because it is so perfect for this post. Listen to the words and let them sink in.
And out of that love relationship, good works will flow.
But they will be works that He has prepared for me using the unique gifts He has given me.
How special is that? Who am I?
I am a child of the One true God and He loves me.
And that's why ....I am significant!
Bless you sis, I needed this. I love you.
ReplyDeleteWow.....that is GOOD!! when you put it this way....it really puts it all into a beautiful Perspective and seeing we are already Significant in the eyes of the ONE in whom it matters :) Praise HIM
Bless you Debbie and thankyou so very much for your prayers today !!! I soooo felt them. I had rotator cuff surg. on Sept 25 and have such a difficult recovery from the git go.....it's been really frustrating but God along with all my prayers warriors and the love and support of my DH, family and friends I am making it. :)
Love you Debbie
Debbie - praise God for how Scott's teachings have ministered to you!
ReplyDeleteLast week he taught through Jonah and this week Philippians began. We taped it and I will work on it right away for you!
Please pray over what God is calling Scott to and that we together follow Him first time!
Walking in obedience is the only thing that matters to us and hearing Him clearly is our prayer to ensure we do that!
I love you and thanking God for you in our lives! What a blessing you are!
Thanks so much for sharing! You have such a wonderful way of sharing things that always makes me thing and realize something important.
ReplyDeleteI liked the song on the video you included. This reminds me of the video of the dash a little bit. I like the grace verses they are always powerful for me.
ReplyDeleteThis is my first visit to your blog and I enjoyed my visit.
Debbie, I got the James 4 scripture in my devotional time this morning and here again, before I go to bed I read it on your wonderful post. God is really bringing this message home to me! Love the song.
ReplyDeleteYou chose the perfect song to go with this post!
ReplyDeleteYou are right...it's not WHO we are, but WHOSE we are that matters. :-)
A mighty song, but I was waiting for the answer you gave in the end; I am significant and I am His.
ReplyDeleteI like to think of each and everyone of us a worth saving and die for. Christ did just that, we were counted in, every single one on when He died on the cross.
That's how significant we are.
The wonder that He sees and sees every single one, he number our hair and He saves our tears in his flask.
Indeed we are significant!
From Felisol
Thanks for that wonderful post, Debbie. That song is so pretty.
ReplyDeleteI believe it's one of the most "significant" questions we believers must wrestle with, this one of significance. Along with "why am I here?", or "what's God's will?", coming to grips with our value is huge. Some never do.
ReplyDeleteThank you for focusing our attention on the incredible value He has placed on His own. Nothing on earth can equal it.
I love the message of your post! I wrote on this topic a while back too: http://lettersfrommidlife.blogspot.com/2008/12/seeing-myself-as-god-sees-me.html
ReplyDeleteDebbie it is really starting to be totally awesome how often we are on the same page. I have been going through a season in my life (must be the age again) where I have been dwelling so much back over my life and wondering how much of it was significant. What have I done that will be remembered or mattered?? How much of it have I just "flittered" away? The conclusion I have come to is that it just doesn't really matter what I have done it the past. Doesn't really matter rather anyone remembers me or not. Doesn't matter rather or not it was significant or everyday. What matters is do I belong to HIM,and what I am doing for HIM today. How does HE see me? Because at the end of the day, we are but a vapor. Here day, gone tomorrow. And only the things that matter for all eternity are what count. Are we significant in HIS eyes, in HIS Kingdom, doing HIS work? The answer of course is big YES WE ARE!! Thanks to Jesus...How wonderful is this? Thanks for this Deb, and have a wonderful day. Hugs, Debbie
ReplyDeleteBeautiful! Thanks so much for sharing ~
ReplyDeleteBrightest blessings
That is so true. We want to be remembered. How many heroes will never be remembered because we were looking to bigger names...
ReplyDeleteAnother great post, Debbie. You always make me think.
ReplyDeleteAnd I'll be praying about Jackie. I'm sure you're planting some great seeds. Who knows what God has in store for her? More than we can imagine. You're inspirational in wanting to do your part.
Oh Debbie that is so true. Yes, we are significant to Him. He did give us all special gift to use.
ReplyDeleteI love the song by Casting Crowns - the words say so much.
Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom with us...
Love & Peace,
Love it! Thank you for the reminders. So refreshing and timely! Hope all is well!
ReplyDeleteJohn and I just read (and listened) to this blog. It is something I needed also. I know this is from God's heart to yours, your heart to ours. Thank you. Love you, h.
ReplyDeleteThis is my first time visiting your blog. I know God led me here for "such a time as this."
ReplyDeleteThank you for the much needed reminder that my significance is the result of Whose I am!