Heart Choices: Thankful Thursday ~ Life -->

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Thankful Thursday ~ Life

It's Thankful Thursday and Iris of Grace Alone is hosting. Iris is the founder of our Thankful Thursday meme so I'm very grateful and thankful for her.

There are so many times during my week when I remember to focus on what I can be grateful for. I know I will be writing about thankfulness on Thursdays so I'm on the lookout throughout my week. Iris chose the topic of life for this week.

As a believer in Jesus Christ, I have His Spirit within me. As I walk through this life while on earth, I can have abundant life but only as I live ...in Him.

But I have a choice to make each day and often moment by moment.

Do I choose to satisfy my own wants and desires; my flesh?

Or do I make the heart choice to live in obedience to His Spirit within me?

I can't tell you how long it's taken for me to learn this and walk it out in my life.

I'm so thankful that:

  • When I quiet myself and spend time in His Word, He speaks to my heart. Not in a loud audible voice but He speaks to me through the pages of Scripture exactly what I need to hear.
  • He provides me with all I need.
  • He chooses to use me as a vessel to impact others.
  • He loves me and has chosen me as His own.
  • He strengthens me and upholds me, no matter what life throws at me.
  • He is sufficient for all of my needs.
  • He can use my circumstances for my good and His glory.
  • He brings to my mind a Scripture I memorized just when I need it
  • He provides a way out of temptation.
  • He is my life.

Happy Thankful Thursday!

Thank you for visiting Heart Choices. Will you accept the challenge to be on the lookout for all you can be thankful for this week?

Debbie Petras
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  1. When I quiet myself and spend time in His Word, He speaks to my heart. --- i love this one very much. when He speaks to me through the bible or sometimes in an audible voice so soft, so calm. and peace flows right through your spirit.

    when you meet or get to talk to sarah dawn again please tell her i said hi. i'm reading the book she sent me every morning. i love it.


  2. Debbie,

    What a beautiful verse to minister to your heart now!

    What a lovely thankful list!

    Hugs and much love! May your day be blessed :)


  3. Debbie,

    Very encouraging message!

    This says it all for me: "Or do I make the heart choice to live in obedience to His Spirit within me?"

    Thanks for sharing with us today. I'm thankful the LORD has given us so much to be thankful for. Amen!

    Love you much.

  4. We call them "gratitude attacks". They often come without warning, and they nearly blind you when they do. Tears well up, and the heart threatens to explode with joy. It's a mighty thing, thankfulness.

    I'm thankful you shared today.


  5. This was soo good Deb. Your right, we make that choice every day, every hour, every minute, as to who we will follow. I LOVE those moments when you feel Him speak to your heart through His Word or even through His Spirit just "telling" you. Thanks for this. Blessings to you, Debbie.

    My niece is in labor. I am headed for the hospital, please keep her in prayer. Thanks!

  6. what a wonderful post I so agree and thanks for the call to awareness

  7. Yes, yes, and yes!!! Your whole list echoes the cry of my heart, too! God is so very wonderful...

    Thanks for this beautiful list that causes me to be thankful too. :-) Blessings to you and continued prayers for you, Debbie...

  8. This message is filled with rich thoughts of Jesus and all He is to us. Thank you!

  9. I'm starting a gratitude journal that is only for recording God's blessings and grace that I find each day. I know something is always there no matter how difficult the day may be.

  10. I agree, I enjoy this time each week to think back over the week and what things stand out as the blessings of each day.

    Hugs to you,

  11. Yes Debbie, I will be on the lookout for things I can be thankful for. I think of myself as a thankful person, ever so thankful to God for the salvation offered me. It's too easy to say "I'm thankful for all God has given me," when in fact we (me) are too lazy to actually name all that He has given me - big and small. This is a good week to really name those blessings. Hm...
    there's a song about that..."Count your many blessings, name them one by one, ....count your many blessings, see what God hath done."

  12. Hi Debbie,
    I agree that we all have a lot to be thankful for. Thanks for the reminder. xox

  13. This is a very beautiful thankful post; It is so encouraging to read1

  14. Thank you for your timely reminders and your gentle manner of sharing God's lessons for you, for me. May your days be blessed and may you be a blessing with each step.
    ~ linda


I love to read your comments! I know you have something to share so join in the conversation. And thank you for taking the time.

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