Heart Choices: 2011-01-23 -->

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Walk a Mile in My Shoes

Have you heard the saying?

Walk a mile in my shoes

It can be difficult to fully understand when a person is going through trials.  It can be easy to judge and offer human solutions.

2 Corinthians 1:3-5 says:

 3 All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is our merciful Father and the source of all comfort. 4 He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us. 5 For the more we suffer for Christ, the more God will shower us with his comfort through Christ.

I've found such wisdom and comfort in the Word.  I've also found that there are many people who have experienced hardship.  They seem to be the ones who understand best.  Someone who has been there and walked a similar path.

I continually pray and thank God for providing me with comfort through the gift of friendship and love.

Have you experienced hardship and heartache?  Is there someone you know who is going through something similar? 

May I encourage you to reach out to them.  Pray for them, send a card or simply listen.  It's a wonderful gift to offer.

Blessings and love,

Friday Photo Flashback ~ 1958

Friday Photo Flashback

I've been looking through old photos and found one that probably dates back to around 1958.  So I decided to join in on Friday Photo Flashback today.
Check out those drapes.  Yikes; what was my mom thinking?  My brother Steve is on the far left next to my grandmother, then my dad and mom and ...me.

Treasure those precious memories!

You can link up with Alicia of More Than Words to share your pre-digital photos.

Blessings and love,


Are You Peaceful?

Are you peaceful?

Our world is anything but ...peaceful.

So how can you have peace when there are:
  • Wars 
  • Terrorism alerts
  • Financial uncertainty
  • Loss of jobs
  • Unsaved loved ones
  • Decrease in home values
  • Cancer
  • Chronic illness
  • Loss of independence
  • Miscarriages
  • Infertility
  • Rebellious children
I could go on and on.  I'm sure you could add a few more to this list too.

So, how can you have peace in the midst of a changing and uncertain world?

Jesus warned us that we would have trouble in this world.  But the beginning of John 16:33 says:
"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace."

We won't find peace in this world.  No amount of money, fame or success will provide the peace that comes from being in relationship with Jesus.

This morning I was reading the January 24th devotional from Jesus Calling by Sarah Young. 

My peace is the treasure of treasures: the pearl of great price.  It is an exquisitely costly gift, both for the Giver and the receiver.  I purchased this Peace for you with My blood.  You receive this gift by trusting Me in the midst of life's storms.  If you have the world's peace -- everything going your way --you don't seek My unfathomable Peace.  Thank Me when things do not go your way, because spiritual blessings come wrapped in trials.  Adverse circumstances are normal in a fallen world.  Expect them each day.  Rejoice in the face of hardship, for I have overcome the world.

How timely was that?  So, I ask again: Are you peaceful?

Blessings and love,

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