Heart Choices: 2018-07-15 -->

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Five Minute Friday: Way

It's Five Minute Friday when I link up with a group of writers. We receive a one-word prompt and get to write for five minutes. Our word for this week is WAY.


I looked up the word WAY in the online dictionary. One of the meanings listed was 'a method, style, or manner of doing something,' 'a person's characteristic or habitual manner of behavior or expression.'

A question that came to my mind was this.

What is the way to live a life of love in the midst of a world filled with hatred, anger, and impatience?

  • A driver cuts me off in traffic and speeds off.   
  • A woman is cursing and angrily scolding an airline employee in a crowded terminal.
  • A talk show guest is shut down and the interview ended because her views were contrary to that of the host.
What is the way to live in this craziness?

Here are my thoughts as a Christian:

  • Keep an eternal perspective. After all, God is sovereign and in control. 
  • Pray about everything.
  • Spend time in the Word every day.
  • Look at people with God's eyes of love.
  • Respect people even if they have a different viewpoint from yourself.


Blessings and love,


Live Like You're Loved

Have you ever felt unloved?  You walk into a room and feel disapproving eyes on you. It's not a pleasant feeling. Some people don't care what others think of them. But, it's just hard if these people are the ones you work with or you live with them. Being yourself, mistakes and all can be rough.

On the other hand, consider people who love you. You can be yourself without worry. You mess up, and it's okay. They won't shun you but instead, accept you. I don't mean that those who love you won't feel free to speak up, but it's for your good and not meant to harm you.

I think of God's love. I'm amazed that He loves me. I didn't do anything to earn that love. All of my good deeds can never add up to be enough. He loves me, despite my mistakes. That's the kind of love that gives me hope. I can be myself. I can grow, not worrying about messing up.

There's pressure in our world to fit in with others. Do you have a particular look or wear a specific brand name of clothes? Are you thin enough or attractive enough?

Recently, I came across a song by Hawk Nelson titled "Live Like You're Loved." The words express what I'm trying to write in this post. Here are some of the words to the song.

You're not the only one who feels like this
Feelin' like you lose more than you win
Like life is just an endless hill you climb
You try and try, but never arrive

I'm tellin' you somethin'
This racing, this running
Oh, you're working way too hard!
And this perfection you're chasing
Is just energy wasted
'cause He loves you like you are!

When you realize you are valuable and unique, it changes how you interact with others. If you are a Christian, you are acceptable to God because Jesus paid the price for your sins. You are clean and made brand new. You don't need to be perfect to come to Jesus. What a relief! Because of all that He's done, you can live like you're loved. And that makes all the difference in the world. That love overflows to others.

I remember when I first honestly felt His love and acceptance, it was so freeing for me. I couldn't help but love others. I was able to see others through God's eyes of love.

Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days. Psalm 90:14 (NIV)

How about you? Do you know that you're loved? Or are you depending on other people to give you approval and acceptance?

Here is a video of the song I mentioned. I hope you enjoy it and listen to the words. Live like you're loved.

Blessings and love,

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