I'm linking up with Jill of Forever N Ever N Always to continue our study of Ann Spangler's book "Praying the Names of God". The focus this week is on praying the name of El Shadday.
God revealed Himself as El Shadday to Abram in Genesis 17:1-2:
When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the LORD appeared to him and said, I am God Almighty; walk before me and be blameless. I will confirm my covenant between me and you and will greatly increase your numbers.
Did you catch that? Abram was 99 years old!
And yet God Almighty (El Shadday) made a covenant (promise) with Abram. In verses 3-8 God told Abram that he would be the father of many nations and how He would bless his descendents. And yet ...Abram was 99 years old!
Abram's wife Sarai was 90 years old when this Covenant was given. Verse 17 tells us that Abraham fell face down. But he laughed and said to himself how could a man and woman of such an old age possibly bear a child.
I have to admit ...that would be me.
I hear with my ears and know that God is God Almighty (El Shadday) so nothing is impossible with God. And yet, in my humanity I question.
When God?
How God?
How about now God? After all, I've been praying for so long.
It takes faith to follow God. And that involves trust. Uh oh, I keep bumping into 'trust and obey' which is my theme for 2010.
I believe God was revealing Himself as El Shadday to Abram because this covenant would be impossibe from a human perspective. But with God Almighty nothing is impossible.
God even changed Abram's name to Abraham and Sarai became Sarah. You see, God knew what the future held for this couple. And God Almighty knew what they would become. They needed to believe by faith and ...obey.
(Photo credit: The Christian Post)
I love this image of God Almighty holding a frightened child (like me) in the midst of the raging storm. It reminds me that with El Shadday ...nothing is impossible.
While the storms are raging and I don't know what tomorrow will bring, I can trust El Shadday with:
- My loved ones
- My finances
- My home
- Difficult relationships
- Uncertainties
- Family who don't live close by
Yesterday, I was able to return to my church and Bible study group. What a blessing after missing out for several weeks with this move. I live further away from my church but El Shadday provided me with a special gift. I am less than a mile away from my friends Jack and Anna May. Yay God!
This week Jack was sick so Anna May picked me up and we rode together. We had time to chat on the way to church and back. How fun was that?
I'm so thankful that my God is El Shadday. When I become discouraged or doubt, I call on El Shadday. I remember that ...nothing is impossible with God Almighty.
It's not too late to join in on this wonderful study. If not, I'd love to read your comments.
Happy Monday!