Heart Choices: Thankful Thursday ~ El Shadday -->

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Thankful Thursday ~ El Shadday

It's Thankful Thursday and Laurie of Women Taking a Stand is our host.

I'm so thankful for the blessings of God. In the midst of difficult circumstances ...He blesses me.

As I continue to study Ann Spangler's "Praying the Names of God" with Jill of Forever N Ever N Always, I'm learning about El Shadday.

For Thursday's reading, the example is the life of Joseph. Joseph endured many hardships in his life.

  • Being sold into slavery by jealous brothers
  • Separated from his beloved father
  • Accused of a crime he didn't commit
  • Being thrown into prison for years

I'd have to say that's a lot of hardship.

Ann Spangler writes;

Joseph's resilience in the face of so many obstacles is compelling evidence of the Almighty's power to bless our lives, regardless of who or what stands in the way.

That was something for me to remember. Nothing can stand in God's way. My part is to ...trust and obey.

God blesses me in so many ways.

Yesterday I was blessed with the opportunity of meeting a fellow blogger for lunch. With our recent move, I live fairly close to Sassy Granny.

See, good things happen when I submit and go where I'm supposed to go ...no matter how I feel about it.

Kathleen AKA Sassy Granny is a delight. She's the real deal; authentic, transparent and did I mention ...encouraging? Although she's Irish, she wore bright pink so I wouldn't miss her. How could I miss her smiling face waving at me as I walked up to the Olive Garden? There was no mistaking that it was Kathleen.

We sat over lunch for two hours that seemed to go by so quickly. If you've ever met a fellow blogger that you've grown to love you will understand what a blessing it is. I can say that I hope to repeat this blessing many times in the future. Kathleen is such a source of love and hope and encouragement. She prayed the most beautiful heartwarming prayer for me before we left our lunch. I only wish Sonja of bits and pieces could have been with us. But I knew she was faithful in praying for us.

I want to thank Lisa Shaw of Sharing Life with Lisa. I first came to know of Sassy Granny when she wrote a guest post on Lisa's blog. Anyone who is a friend of Lisa's ...is a friend of mine.

So on this Thankful Thursday, I am thankful for El Shadday's blessing on my life. I know I can look forward with hope to the future even when I don't know what He will bring. After all, nothing is impossible with God.

I pray that you remember and know that, especially if you're going through hardships and challenges.


Debbie Petras
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  1. Wow, it's awesome that you get to meet your fellow blogger and have had such a lovely time together! It would be lovely to meet you one day, Debbie :)

    Thank God for blessing you in the midst of difficult circumstances. God is truly wonderful and able to work in His mysterious ways. May He bless you with His love and peace always. Happy TT.

    Warm Regards,

  2. I loved reading this my friend. Such truth.
    I love it when the Lord drops an unexpected surprise in the midst of our circumstances. It's like He's saying, "trust me I know what I'm doing" and all we have to do is simply, trust!

    Have a GREAT day.

  3. This just made me smile so BIG!

    I loved seeing you with a smile :-) and meeting another wonderful blogger.

    Thank you for sharing this journey Debbie!

    I continue to pray for you and send big hugs!
    Much love,

  4. Wow, I really needed to read this - goes along with what I posted.

  5. what a great post we have been learning how to rely on our faith in our Lord as that is what will carry us through the unknowing

  6. Well, dear friend, what a lovely day it was! I can't help but wonder what amazing thing(s) the Lord has planned for the next chapter of each of our lives, but something tells me it'll be a tandem journey.

    Believe it or not, I found myself wakeful & grateful in the night; praying for you, and with such a sense of excitement.

    Thank you for honoring me. I can assure you I feel likewise. What a powerful God is He!

    Heartened & blessed,

  7. How wonderous to be able to meet a fellow blogger. I have met a couple of them too and it is SUCH a blessing. Maybe some day on our way through Arizona to New Mexico we might meet too.

    I am glad to hear that God is blessing you even in the midst of a difficult time. May you continue to feel His touch and presence.

    Hugs, Debbie

  8. Very fun! I hope to meet some fellow bloggers some day too.

  9. Hope you have a wonderful time with your blogger friend.
    Hugs, andrea

  10. oh what a wonderful post! Thanks for sharing this. Have blessed day

  11. So glad you got to meet a fellow blogger sweetie.

  12. It's an amazing thing to know that God is in control no matter the hardships we are going through.

    How fun to meet a fellow blogger! That is awesome.

  13. And Debbie, I would echo what Kathleen has said. I really sense that God was in your meeting, and I am so sure He has so much ahead, for both of you!. I can't wait to see what the coming days are going to bring. You know that confirmation of heart that you get from God on some things... this is one of them!

    Love you sister!


  14. Praise the Lord that as we trust Him in the midst of the storm He is faithful to bless us and bring us out to the other side -VICTORIOUSLY!!

    What a time you and Sassy Granny must have had!! I'd love to meet with ya'll sometime when I'm in the valley and get in on all the fellowship and fun!!

    Sweet Blessings!

  15. that was such a wonderful post thanks for sharing all of this I hope someday to meet some of my blogger friends have fun!! Blessings

  16. I'm so glad you got to meet Kathleen-I also love her blog. You are such a wonderful friend that I'm sure she was blessed as well. Wish we lived closer but emails will have to do until I can get to Arizona. Have a blessed week.
    Hugs, Noreen

  17. Yes, indeed, the Lord gave you blessings in your new move. I love the way you wove that in with your lunch with Kathleen!

  18. I'm so glad to read about the great time you had with a fellow blogger.

    I saw the post on Charlotte's blog about another AZ meetup and thought of you.

    Have a great weekend.

  19. How cool that you had lunch with "granny". We will have to have lunch the next time I get to down to Tempe. I live in Washington State and so I don't see that happening too often, but when it does...!!! We had dinner at the Olive Garden when we took her down there. so cool!

  20. Dear Debbie,
    One of my favorite books is Pilgrim's Progress.
    After being written by John Bunyan, wrongfully imprisoned almost 400 years ago, the book still speaks to me,like few others.
    Guess you have met your Pilgrim Pal from Ireland today, and how blessed is that?
    It's a privileged to be allowed to follow you through your progress.
    I know we'll once be meeting eye to eye, if not here, then in our common home in heaven.
    I'm looking forward to the day you will get answers to all your whys, and really see what blessing you have been to your fellow pilgrims.
    From Felisol

  21. Thanks for sharing these wonderful blessings that encouraged you, and now have inspired so many others...God is so good!

  22. Hope you're enjoying your day! I had a great visit here at your blog, reading your thankful post.

  23. How neat you two met this way. I hope Sassy Granny goes to the tea so I'll be able to meet her. I wish you were going to be there too.

  24. Kathleen is a sweetheart. I know that you two had a wonderful time together.

    I wish I wasn't so far away...I would love to meet you both for lunch sometime! Why don't you two just hop on over to Southwest Virginia for lunch one day? ;-)

    P.S. You're a sweetheart, too!

  25. This is fantastic to get to know your fellow blogger. You look both great!


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