Where do I belong? As a seven year old girl, I longed to run and play with other children. But a heart defect kept me on the sidelines. As a teenager, I longed for fun during my high school years. I had lots of friends. I was captain of the twirlers. Those were good times with many good memories. Off I went to nursing school once again eager to belong. How thankful I was for the friendships that developed as we studied but still had fun. Every place I worked over the years, I loved the friendships that grew. Even now as I returned to work in a new field, it's the people I get to work with that I treasure. And the little children who greet me each morning with lots of love and hugs bring a smile to my face.
I'm a wife to Greg. I love children and family and blogging and photography and cooking and home and travel. And my mom always used to tell me I'm in love with love. So where do I belong?
I realize the true place where I belong is in my relationship with Jesus. He is the only One who can give me joy. He accepts me as I am and is always with me. He guides me and leads me when I listen and obey. I belong to Him.
Blessings and love,