Deep rest for my soul sounds so inviting. But what do I do when I have duties and responsibilities that keep me so busy? I long for that deep soul rest. But in this season of my life, things have changed. I'm working longer hours with more responsibility.
In the midst of my busyness ...I crave soul rest.
I've been reading Bonnie Gray's book "Finding Spiritual Whitespace: Awakening Your Soul to Rest" and I wonder. Can I still have soul rest during this season?
I have to laugh at how God answers my prayers. I was driving home after working an 11 hour day at summer camp. It was a hot day with triple digit heat. And all day I had to be energetic and upbeat working with the children and camp counselors. I was tired.
But as I was driving home on the freeway, I suddenly became more aware of my surroundings. The traffic wasn't too heavy and I noticed the beauty of the mountains. I could see the downtown Phoenix city buildings in the distance. The skies were clear.
I felt that nudge deep in my soul. Soul rest. God was opening my eyes to the beauty of His creation. And I noticed.
I thanked the Lord and I smiled.
Despite my busyness and fatigue, Jesus knew what I needed. He is so faithful.
How about you? Have you experienced moments when God has opened your eyes in the midst of your busyness? Do you take the time to thank Him?
It might be a child looking up to you and smiling. A smile that can melt a person's heart. Maybe it's a hummingbird that flutters its wings so rapidly. A beautiful sunrise or sunset or a phone call from a dear friend.
Will you share a moment with me? I encourage you to be open for those special moments and to thank God for them.
Blessings and love,