Counting blessings each week is a blessing in itself. I could easily revert back to remembering all of the difficulties and problems but instead I make the choice to treasure those everyday blessings. It's all a matter of what you focus on, isn't it?
Sometimes I need reminders. I get up very early in the morning to have my quiet time and to write. I really want to get my exercise in too. But I have to admit there are days when I miss out.
At our school the children have PE twice a week. It is so cute to see three year old children learning how to do jumping jacks and to skip and gallop. They have many opportunities to exercise and to simply play.
#207 Watching little Evan do mountain climbers in PE
While the other children were following directions, little Will was doing his own thing. I had to laugh!
#208 Watching little Will turn upside down
The children are also learning to exercise their minds. They learn new site words each week. A few of the words include "the", "and", etc. They get to take home little books that include these words so they can read them to their families.
#209 Little children eager to learn at they sit at the word wall.
#210 Max and Evan are becoming fast friends and have fun playing together
#211 Little hands and feet are so precious to me, especially when they have band-aids on their boo boo's
I learn so much from little children. How often do we adults get to play? Life seems so serious. Yes, we have responsibilities but I think it's important to take some time to simply enjoy life.
My husband and I are both learning this from my work. I wrote a blog post on Saturday entitled
It's All Grace. In case you missed it, you can read it
here. I shared a bit about my journey that God has taken me on to learn many important lessons.
In the meantime, I continue to count my blessings and to link up with Ann of
A Holy Experience.
Blessings and love,