Heart Choices: 2014-08-31 -->

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Five Minute Friday: Whisper

It's Five Minute Friday. We are given a one word writing prompt and get to write for five minutes flat. Our word for today is: WHISPER.


The children were busy playing and making much noise. They were focused on the toys and not listening. I watched as Heidi tried to get their attention to no avail.

Then she began to talk softly. A few heads looked up as they heard her voice. She continued to talk softly and gave instructions. Several other heads began to check to see what the few children were doing. I was amazed how she managed to change the atmosphere from a noisy classroom into listening students. And she did it with a soft and quiet voice.

I consider my own life. The noise of the urgent seems to take over. The freeway traffic, the sound of the news blaring from the TV, the voices that yell for attention. Each day I am greeted by the sounds of little children at work. I hear shouts of "Miss Debbie, Miss Debbie". They want me to hear their voices as they share stories of boo-boo's and new toys and what mommy said. I try to listen but I can only focus on one at a time.

The words to a song by Fernando Ortega echo in my head. "In the morning when I rise, give me Jesus". The soft voice that doesn't shout for attention.  

In order to deal with my very noisy world, I need to take time each morning to listen to that still soft voice.

I desire to hear His whispers in my heart.

I choose to open my Bible and pray before venturing out.

His whisper gets my attention.  And it makes all the difference in how I respond to a noisy world.


I'm linking up with Kate Motaung who is now hosting Five Minute Friday.

Blessings and love,


Choosing What's Best

The children in our preschool class of three year olds were instructed to sit 'crisscross applesauce, hands in your lap'. But one little boy refused to listen. Each time his name was called he glanced up. But then just as quickly, he returned to what he was intent on doing.

It can be frustrating getting children to understand and do what is asked. They want to do what they want to do, when they want to do it. If only they would listen and obey. After all, it's for their good.  And time won't be wasted with time out's and discipline.

As I thought about this, I realized how like little children we adults can be.

How often have I been intent on doing what I want to do, when I want to do it?

That still, small voice within my heart warns me to stop. It's time for me to focus on reading God's Word and pray. Just rest in His presence.

I read about spiritual whitespace from Bonnie Gray of Faith Barista. Taking the time to be quiet. But that rest my soul requires all too often gets pushed to the side only to be replaced by activity.

My computer sits right in front of me. I wonder what's going on in the world? Maybe I should quickly check Facebook or email? I have a list of TV shows I've recorded. Maybe I'll just watch one.

I realize I'm really no different from the little boy in our class who is intent on doing his own will. He doesn't realize how much he's actually missing out on by making the choice to not listen.

How much am I missing out on by insisting on my will?

Children teach me so much about myself. How about you?

Do you get distracted and caught up in what you want to do? Do you push aside quiet time spent with God? Is your to-do list taking over what's most important?

I love Cherie Hill's quote from her latest book.  I don't want to be so focused on the next few minutes that I miss out on God's best for me.

What choice will you make?  Can you identify?

Blessings and love,

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