Heart Choices: 2013-06-02 -->

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Have You Lost Your Wonder?

Have you lost your wonder?

Dictionary.com provides several definitions of wonder:

  1. To be filled with admiration, amazement, or awe; marvel
  2. To speculate curiously or be curious about; to be curious to know
Working with little children has awakened me to wonder.  

I watch the children become so excited when they spot a butterfly or a hummingbird.  They point and yell to the other children to come and see.

I begin to notice that it's starting to rub off on me.  I get excited when a hummingbird comes to visit my little home garden.  They love to poke their bills into my flowers.  I sit and watch and listen to the sound of their tiny wings flapping making a humming sound.

What about the stars in the sky?  Do you get excited to witness their beauty?  I remember years ago when my husband Greg and I had a place in the higher altitude of Flagstaff, Arizona.  We could see the stars so clearly and would often spot shooting stars.

I never want to lose that sense of wonder.  

Psalm 19:1-4 says:

"The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands.  Day after day they pour forth speech, night after night they reveal knowledge.  They have no speech, they use no words; no sound is heard from them. Yet their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world."

 Isaiah 55:12 says:

"You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands."

May I encourage you to regain that sense of wonder?  Don't be so busy that you miss out on the beauty of God's creation.  Become like little children ...

Blessings and love,


Five Minute Friday ~ Fall

It's Five Minute Friday when I link up with Lisa Jo of The Gypsy Mama.  Each week we receive a word prompt.  We get to write for five minutes flat on this word.  Our word for today is FALL.


Children fall.  It's a given.  A baby learns to walk.  They fall down but get right back up.  A child tries to ride a bike.  Over and over ...they fall.

But do they quit?  Do they say I'm not going to walk or I'm not going to ride a bike?  It's too hard.

No way!

They get back up again and again and again until they finally succeed.

Why can't we adults be like that?  I fall and think to myself.  I must not be very good at this so I stop trying.  I come to the place of fearing failure.  So instead what do I do?  I avoid certain things that cause me anxiety.  Or I don't complete what I started because I'm afraid I will fail and ...fall.

I want to learn to fall and pick myself back up and keep trying.

  • I'll keep on blogging even if only one person reads it
  • I'll keep on writing my book even if I have doubts as to my ability as a writer
  • I'll keep on exercising even if I don't see the weight on my scale going down as fast as I'd like
  • I'll keep on praying even if I don't see the results right now
  • I'll keep on allowing God to work in me and through me even if I don't see my loved ones change
I just may have to fall many times like a child.  But I will get back up and keep going.


Blessings and love,

photo credit: clarkmaxwell via photopin cc

Summer Fun Begins

Although my calendar says it's not officially summer, it feels like it's already here in Phoenix.  With sunny days and triple digit temperatures, what's a girl to do?

I would love to head to the beach.  After all, our school year is completed.  But instead, I get to teach summer camp to Pre-K 3 and 4 children.  Well, at least I know I will be laughing and having fun.    

I worked summer camp two years ago and enjoyed it.  That was the year I was teaching Culinary Camp.    But the students were older (1st through 4th grade level).

It worked out that Miss Annie and I will be switching jobs each week. So this next week I'll be teaching and the following week, she'll be teaching.  The weeks I don't teach, I get to work for only three hours.  But I think I will like this since I'll be able to spend those mornings working on my book.  You know, the one that was supposed to be completed by the end of the school year.  

So the beach is out for now.  However, I found this on Pinterest and ...loved it.


I continue to count my every day blessings.

#847 A fun day at The Simple Farm
#848 Experiencing the farm with my friends
#849 Wearing my hometown t-shirt and greeting Michael who is also from Lindenhurst
#850 Working on my front garden entry
#851 Getting ideas on growing herbs and vegetables
#852 Enjoying the pool at our condo knowing I don't need to take care of it
#853 The first cup of coffee in the morning
#854 Participating in an online Bible study with Good Morning Girls.
#855 Having one week of rest

I'm linking up with Ann of A Holy Experience for Multitudes on Mondays.

Blessings and love,

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