Heart Choices: Five Minute Friday ~ Fall -->

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Five Minute Friday ~ Fall

It's Five Minute Friday when I link up with Lisa Jo of The Gypsy Mama.  Each week we receive a word prompt.  We get to write for five minutes flat on this word.  Our word for today is FALL.


Children fall.  It's a given.  A baby learns to walk.  They fall down but get right back up.  A child tries to ride a bike.  Over and over ...they fall.

But do they quit?  Do they say I'm not going to walk or I'm not going to ride a bike?  It's too hard.

No way!

They get back up again and again and again until they finally succeed.

Why can't we adults be like that?  I fall and think to myself.  I must not be very good at this so I stop trying.  I come to the place of fearing failure.  So instead what do I do?  I avoid certain things that cause me anxiety.  Or I don't complete what I started because I'm afraid I will fail and ...fall.

I want to learn to fall and pick myself back up and keep trying.

  • I'll keep on blogging even if only one person reads it
  • I'll keep on writing my book even if I have doubts as to my ability as a writer
  • I'll keep on exercising even if I don't see the weight on my scale going down as fast as I'd like
  • I'll keep on praying even if I don't see the results right now
  • I'll keep on allowing God to work in me and through me even if I don't see my loved ones change
I just may have to fall many times like a child.  But I will get back up and keep going.


Blessings and love,

photo credit: clarkmaxwell via photopin cc
Debbie Petras
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  1. "I'll keep on allowing God to work in me and through me." Amen! I found you through 5 minute Friday.

  2. LOVE this! As someone coming out of a funk in several areas, I'm choosing to get back up. Your post reminds me of the Toby Mac song.... "get back up again... never too late". Great post Friend!!!

  3. Going to get back up...that's one of the hopes of a Christian. Thanks for sharing this today, Debbie. I often want to not do something if I think I can't do it well, but how can we ever learn anything new if we don't have some falls along the way? (notes to self...ha)

    Praying you have a blessed weekend, friend.

  4. Keep Falling - got it! I will do that with you as well, and heck, maybe the next change for the better is in "me" before others - praise the Lord!

  5. YES YES, This is what I want too "I want to learn to fall and pick myself back up and keep trying"

  6. Beautiful and very well said. Great advice for everyone. Thanks.

  7. Dear Debbie
    We will never develop in any way without falling thousands of times! Can you imagine what would have been the outcome if Isaac Watts stopped after his first failure, or even Alexander Bell. So let us get up again and again, thanking our Lord for picking us up!
    Much love XX

  8. Wow, Debbie. I can't believe you could write so much in 5 minutes and have it be not only coherent but get a message across. I hope I can do that someday.
    The two parts that struck me the most were:
    "I'll keep writing even if I doubt myself as a writer" (paraphrased) and
    "I'll keep praying even when I don't see the results now."
    Thank you for those take aways. I needed that.


I love to read your comments! I know you have something to share so join in the conversation. And thank you for taking the time.

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