Heart Choices: 2008-11-09 -->

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Asking For Prayer

I am sending out a prayer request to my fellow bloggers. I just received a phone call from the hospital and my friend Jeanie's new husband has taken a turn for the worst. You can read my previous post by clicking here. I am so thankful for the many bloggers who have been praying for Duane, even though you've never met him.

Jeanie has been a leader in my church in the women's ministry and she chaired the leadership committee for the annual Woman to Woman Conference that is held in Phoenix. She's worked tirelessly for so many years on this conference. This picture is of Jeanie with Lysa TerKeurst, who was our excellent keynote speaker this year.

For various reasons, this conference was our last but that's when Jeanie met Duane. Each of them had been single for many years. We teased Jeanie that she had been married to the conference for all those years and now the Lord provided her with a new and exciting adventure ... as Duane's wife. We were so excited for her. Their wedding was held on Friday, November 17th which is just over four weeks ago.

Duane's surgery had been scheduled following their return from the honeymoon. But little did they realize the sequence of events that would occur. After an unexpected cardiac arrest last week, Duane has hung in there despite several additional surgeries to correct problems. Jeanie's daughters flew in to sit with her and offer encouragement. But Jeanie hated to leave Duane's side.

I just received a phone call from the hospital and Rhonda asked that I send out word to anyone who is willing to pray. The situation has become worse and they don't expect Duane to live.

So, I am sending out the word and thanking you in advance for praying. Duane is a Christian and his life is in the Lord's hands right now. We are trusting for God's will and that He would provide Jeanie with His strength and comfort at this most difficult time.

I Am So Honored

I was surprised and delighted to receive an award from my new blogging friend Debra at Clothed With Scarlet.

It warms my heart to have the opportunity to "meet new friends" through blogging. Even though I've never actually seen most of them, I somehow feel I know them through their writings ...and kind hearts! Debra is definitely one of those people. Thank you so much!

And now I am to choose five bloggers and give them this award. So, here goes my list:

Oh, I almost forgot to include the rules for this award. You're supposed to post the award, link to the person giving you the award ... and then pick five bloggers and give them the award. I hope I remembered everything. I'm not always good at remembering rules. I like to color outside the lines!!!


World Diabetes Day

Today is World Diabetes Day. Heart disease and diabetes often go hand in hand. In fact, at least 65% of people with diabetes die of some form of heart or blood vessel disease. (American Heart Association facts/stats)

Diabetes involves a problem with the production and supply of insulin in the body. Type 1 diabetes occurs when the body produces no or insufficient insulin. Type 2 diabetes is when the body cannot use the insulin it produces effectively.

Type 2 diabetes is most common in people who are older than 45 years old and most often overweight. But lately, the statistics are showing that it is becoming more common in children and young adults. There are often genetic factors involved but certain lifestyle factors also increase the risk.

  • Obesity
  • Physical inactivity
  • Unhealthy diet
Each one of those factors can be changed with healthier lifestyle choices.

Maybe you or a friend or family member has been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. Make sure that you follow your doctor's advice regarding your treatment. But also be aware that you have the power to make choices to improve your health in this particular area.
  • Begin an exercise program even if it's simply going out for a walk. If you've not been exercising be aware that over time, it will lower your blood sugars and so your medications may need to be decreased.
  • Eat small, frequent meals. It's important to not skip meals as this will impact your blood sugar.
  • Monitor and record your blood sugars, especially when you're making new healthier lifestyle choices.
  • Discuss any major changes with your doctor.

Remember that you may not have control over all of the circumstances you're dealing with in your life, but you do have control over how you respond to them.

On Diabetes Day 2008 let's choose to live a more healthy lifestyle; body, mind and spirit.


Thankful Thursday - LIFE

On this Thankful Thursday, our theme is life. None of us really knows how long we will live. You can look at your family history and check your risk factors for specific diseases. But in reality, there are many "accidents" that could occur that may take you by surprise.

My mind goes to my friend Jeanie who is sitting by her new husband's side in the Intensive Care Unit, uncertain about whether he will live or die. You can read my post about this by clicking here. I'm sure Jeanie and Duane knew the risks before his surgery but trusted that everything would work out as planned. Although the situation remains uncertain, many prayers are continuing to be voiced in faith and hope.

Life happens. We might not have the best genes, or the best circumstances, or the best health. But we still have the power to choose how we respond.

Life is not only about our physical life. We have a body, mind and spirit. And I believe each impacts how we live our lives. We can choose how to treat our body. We can choose what we allow into our minds by the things we look at or the things we read. We can also choose to open our spirit to the God who created us and loves us.
John 3:16 says "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life."

One day you will die. It's a fact of life and there's no escaping. But the choice you make in your spirit will impact you for eternity.

I am so thankful that I have made the choice to receive Jesus into my heart. There was nothing I could do to earn it; not good behavior or doing certain deeds.

Sometimes, it's hard for people to receive something they believe they don't deserve. But that's how much God loves us. He wants to impart His life in us so that when we die, we will have eternal life. What about you? Will you choose life?

I hope you will take the time to visit our host site for Thankful Thursday. You can access other bloggers' posts on this Thankful Thursday.

Pets And Your Health

Did you know that having a pet can be good for your health? Research has shown that owning a pet can benefit your health and even improve the quality of your life. Sounds good, doesn't it?

Dogs can provide companionship, love and ... maybe even a reason to go for a walk. And that is always good for your heart.

Just take a look at some of the health benefits:
  • Companionship and friendship
  • Unconditional love
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Decreases anxiety
  • Improves your immune system
  • Increases levels of serotonin and dopamine (nerve transmitters that have calming and pleasurable properties)
  • May even get you exercising (after all, if you own a dog ...they always want to go for a walk)
And did you think of this? Owning a pet is a great way to meet people. It's a great conversation starter and people seem to be more friendly. (If you're single, this might come in handy.)

Some hospitals have pet programs where volunteers take dogs to visit the patients. They always seem to brighten up, no matter how sick they may be.

Think about it; a big lick, a wagging tail, improved health and unconditional love.
Now, who can resist that?

Thank You Veterans

Today is Veteran's Day and I'm so grateful to the men and women who serve in the military. They deserve a day of recognition for the many sacrifices they've made to keep us safe in the United States. It's a day to say thank you.

I remember the day when my brother signed up for the Navy and went off to boot camp. It was during the Vietnam War when they had a draft. His number was low so he decided to join the branch of the service that he preferred. Thankfully, he returned home safely after serving overseas.

My cousin Ken was in the Army and he spent time in Vietnam. He returned home to find that his wife left him and so he lived with my family for some time as he adjusted. I remember his first 4th of July back. When the fireworks went off ... he jumped. It reminded him of the gunfire in battle.

This is a picture of my brother Steve and his wife Barbara with cousin Kenny. These are two veterans many years later. Thank you for your service. I'm very grateful for the many men and women who serve our country.
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