Heart Choices: Thankful Thursday - LIFE -->

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Thankful Thursday - LIFE

On this Thankful Thursday, our theme is life. None of us really knows how long we will live. You can look at your family history and check your risk factors for specific diseases. But in reality, there are many "accidents" that could occur that may take you by surprise.

My mind goes to my friend Jeanie who is sitting by her new husband's side in the Intensive Care Unit, uncertain about whether he will live or die. You can read my post about this by clicking here. I'm sure Jeanie and Duane knew the risks before his surgery but trusted that everything would work out as planned. Although the situation remains uncertain, many prayers are continuing to be voiced in faith and hope.

Life happens. We might not have the best genes, or the best circumstances, or the best health. But we still have the power to choose how we respond.

Life is not only about our physical life. We have a body, mind and spirit. And I believe each impacts how we live our lives. We can choose how to treat our body. We can choose what we allow into our minds by the things we look at or the things we read. We can also choose to open our spirit to the God who created us and loves us.
John 3:16 says "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life."

One day you will die. It's a fact of life and there's no escaping. But the choice you make in your spirit will impact you for eternity.

I am so thankful that I have made the choice to receive Jesus into my heart. There was nothing I could do to earn it; not good behavior or doing certain deeds.

Sometimes, it's hard for people to receive something they believe they don't deserve. But that's how much God loves us. He wants to impart His life in us so that when we die, we will have eternal life. What about you? Will you choose life?

I hope you will take the time to visit our host site for Thankful Thursday. You can access other bloggers' posts on this Thankful Thursday.
Debbie Petras
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  1. What a beautiful Thankful Thursday post. All to often, I take my health fore-granted by what I eat and not exercising...little do we know when our good health will come to an end. Thank you for a powerful reminder not only of our physical well-being but our spiritual health as well

    Happy TT!

  2. Hi Debbie,

    We have to remember we have the choice of how we respond when life happens.
    I'll pray for your friends.

  3. Praying for your friend Debbie.

    Amen! God has given us this holy vessel to take care of and love. He loves us and is living in us. We must take care of His home. You wouldn't invite your friends over to eat and drink if your entire house was filthy would you? I have often asked people attending my health talks - if you could show the world what your insides look like you would do everything you could to hide it. If God built a mirror of our insides we would all make much healthier choices of what we eat. We are what we eat - physically and definitely spiritually!

    God bless!

  4. Well said! Beautiful post. Happy Thankful Thursday to you.

  5. Great post and so very true. I will pray for your friends husband.

  6. Thank you all for your prayers for Jeanie and Duane. I really appreciate it.

  7. This reminds me of an organisation popular in th 70s-80s in Oz:

    Life.Be in It!

    Life is a series of choices - how you choose to live the life you have will ultimately bring you happiness or sadness. No matter what circumstances you are born into you have the choice to live the best life you can. And no matter what tragedies can happen you can still choose to find happiness.

    I think sometimes we forget to choose and instead of making life, life is just happening to us.

    I recently realised I don't want life to just 'happen' to me - I want to make the best life I can with the time that I'm given, no matter what challenges or tragedies may come.

    A thought provoking post. Thank you.

  8. Some posts are light-hearted and fun, but this one took me a little deeper, a little more somber. Thank-you. Sometimes we need to reflect on this life that God has given us, remember that He has given us choices to make, and make choices that matter.

  9. Hi Debbie!!

    Thanks for stopping by to wish me Happy Birthday!!

    I had a very nice day, and yest I am going to pamper myself. Sometimes, I'm so busy that I forget to take care of myself, and that's just not good.

    Your friends are in my prayers. I did go back and read your original post about them--such an unexpected situation

    And you are so right--we never know when the unexpected may occur in our own lives, and we need to be prepared by accepting Jesus into our lives.

    Have you ever stopped by my other blog--"The Power of Your Love". I'm doing a "Love Dare" for my children on there.

    I thought you might find it interesting reading.

    Thanks again for the "Happy Birthday".


  10. Thank you for stopping by. I really enjoyed your post - such refreshing words. I too am so thankful that He embraced us so lovingly - there is not one thing we had to do other than believe. He loves us. He.Loves.Us.

  11. Wow What a awesome thought provoking post. I will be praying for your friend we serve a big big God who is still in the miracle working business (PTL) Thank you for visiting my blog! Blessings

  12. What a beautiful, heart touching post. Thank you for sharing this.

  13. Today was a good day to reflect on "Life" for me. My best friend's dad passed away this morning and my cousin passed away too. I believe they both accepted Christ on their death bed.

    God has a way of using death to bring us back to the priorities of life.

    This life is so short, I want to live for my Jesus and bring Him glory! I desire for my life to count!

    Thanks for sharing and for listening too. : )

  14. The greatest thing to be thankful for!

  15. I am praying for Duane, God is Able. How true your post, that is my message to people in these last days. I love your eloquence.


I love to read your comments! I know you have something to share so join in the conversation. And thank you for taking the time.

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