Heart Choices: 2008-11-16 -->

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Fast Food and Kids

Childhood obesity has become much more common in the US. But should fast food ads be banned?

A new study conducted by the National Bureau of Economic Research and funded by the National Institutes of Health claims that a ban on fast food advertising to children would cut the national obesity rate by as much as 18%. They measured the number of fast food ads that children watched. And their data showed that there was a greater impact on boys than girls.

This was the largest study to directly tie childhood obesity to fast food advertising on television.

So, what do you think? Should the government be able to regulate the fast food ads shown on TV? Or are parents the ones who choose what their children eat? Do you really know what your children are eating at all meals?

Give Quick Feedback

I could use your feedback. Although I love to blog, my day job is helping my entrepreneur hubby. His latest venture involves a new way to easily gather feedback. It's called Quick Comments. I thought I'd post a question on my blog from time to time so you could try it for yourself.

Quick Comments is a cross between a poll and a survey. You get instant results but it takes very little time. You simply select or add your own keywords or phrases and then rate the significance on a one to five scale. The rating range is adjusted depending on the question. You can add an optional comment. We are using it in widget form so it can be easily embedded on a blog or website.

Why not give it a try right now? Your feedback on the widget is anonymous ...but I'd love to read any comments you might have. Thank you for taking the time.

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