Bringing holy back to the holiday. What a concept!
Christmas is after all a celebration of the birth of Jesus; when God showed such amazing love to us. We don't deserve His love but He loves us despite ourselves and provided a way for us to be in relationship with Him ...through Jesus.
I don't know about you but when I really think of a perfect and holy God loving me that much overwhelms me.
eLisa of Extravagant Grace began a movement called Bringing Holy Back to the Holiday. And it's not too late to join in. There's a place to link up or you can just follow along and add comments.
What does bringing back holy to the holiday mean? Well, eLisa describes it as "sharing His hope, joy, peace, love with others, instead of catering to the chaos we all know as Christmas."Now, that's a movement I want to be a part of. I don't know about you but I find so often the pressure of keeping up tiring. There's so much to do:
- shopping
- baking
- card writing
- parties
- decorating
Don't get me wrong. I love to give gifts. I love to stay in touch with friends and family but the "doing" can take over the "being".
And with all of the uncertainty in my life right now, I need to focus on the true meaning of this special time of year.
I was reading this morning from Isaiah. BTW, did you know that Isaiah will be the new study next year at Bible Study Fellowship?
"Holy, holy, holy is the LORD Almighty; the whole earth is full of His glory."
Isaiah 6:3
Holy is repeated three times. When a word is repeated like this in the Bible, it really means God is infinitely holy.
I think of: perfect, flawless, pure, white as snow.
We tend to think we are doing OK when we judge ourselves by others. Well, at least I don't do that ...
Or I've not committed the worst sins. After all, I don't cheat, steal, murder. You get the idea.
But consider this. When a person smokes cigarettes, they become so immune to the smell of the smoke. But if a nonsmoker walks into the room of a smoker, you can immediately smell that odor.
We can get so immune to the sin in our world unless it is so blatant.
But God cannot be in the presence of any sin. He is holy.
All I can say is thank you God for giving us Jesus. He paid the price for my sin. When I receive His free gift of salvation I can come into your presence. And that's worth celebrating.
I'm set free from sin and the power of sin. What a gift of love!
Will you consider joining the Bringing Holy back to the Holiday this year?