Heart Choices: Fitness Friday ~ A More Beautiful You -->

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Fitness Friday ~ A More Beautiful You

On this Fitness Friday, I wanted to share a music video with you. I won a CD called A More Beautiful You by Jonny Diaz on Kari's blog Just Another Day in Paradise.

I had never heard of this Christian artist before but ...I simply love this song.

It has such a positive message for women and young girls.

Each one of us was made uniquely by our God ...for His purposes.

We come in all sizes and shapes. Let's not judge ourselves by the skinny models and unhealthy lifestyles of many in the world.

  • Should we move and exercise? YES
  • Should we eat healthy and more natural foods? You bet

But let's make healthy choices and care for our bodies so that we can be about the work the Lord has called each one of us to do.

Don't allow laziness and obesity to interfere with your ability to have the energy to live your life ...to the glory of God.

  • Don't allow food to become an idol.
  • Don't allow your body image to become an idol.

My mother used to tell me; everything in moderation. I think that's good advice especially during this Christmas season with all of the extra food temptations.

I hope you enjoy this song and the important message it conveys:

Happy Fitness Friday! And don't forget to stop by and visit Sandy at God Speaks Today and Sarah at All Pain ~ No Gain to check out their Fitness Friday posts.

Debbie Petras
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  1. I agree, everything in moderation.

    I'm finding as the age process gets ahead of me, my focus is more on the beauty from the inside out.

  2. That video is really good for teens to see. There is no more beautiful you than the one God created you to be!

    Big hugs and lots of love!

  3. I have heard the song, but I have not seen the video. That was great. And what a good message for young girls, for us all really. Everything in moderation is of course the key. My Melody for some reason learned that at such a young age. She "claims" I taught her that, though I don't see HOW as I never lived it out too well when it came to food. But she eats A LITTLE of everything she likes. Just not everyday, and not more than once or maybe twice when she does. She is 5 foot 7 inches and 121 pounds (tiny) and has been for years and years. Maybe it will change for her some day after babies. But for me this season is DIFFICULT to just put it nicely, haha I am still doing my diet, in fact I had a 3 pound (which is rare) loss this week, and while I was happy about that, I am just "grumpy"...Why oh why I enjoy food soo much remains a mystery to me. I am drawn to it for everything. Fun, comfort, excitement, sadness, pleasure and on and on I go. I KNOW it is ridiculous, and so I fight it. I look to Him (daily) and other things for those things and He does see me through, but emotions still remain a problem at times. My total is now 46 pounds. My knees are actually a little better recently in spite of the arthritis...I have more energy...I had to buy new jeans as all of mine were WAY too baggy...someone recently just couldn't believe my 12 year old granddaughter was NOT my daughter (weight is soo aging) all encouraging, good things. And yet, I am fighting and struggling and grumpy. I might be a hopeless case....SIGH....But I have decided it might just be like everything else. I will struggle with this as long as I am here on this earth and in my flesh. I might never arrive at that place where I want to be where food, while tasty and good, is just a way to nourish my body and not something that is in any way an issue for me. It may just be my thorn to keep me humble and dependent on Him. I have NO IDEA why I just wrote you a small book. Can you see what a can of worms this issue is for me? haha Have a GOOD day Debbie, and thanks for this post. I love that there are bloggers on here who can encourage me in the direction I need to continue in with this. You will never know how helpful it is.



  4. I have 2 thoughts: less is more and God wants us to glorify Him in our body (soul and spirit). Thanks for prayers, Debbie, hope you can feel mine also.

  5. This is such a wonderful song. I have it posted on my Facebook. The words are so true and women of all ages need to hear it.

  6. Love it!

    You know ... now that the sun-dial has ticked past 61 and is counting out the last grains before 62 arrives, I am so grateful for a healthier perspective on what true beauty actually is. I'm all for fitness and healthful living, but I spend far more time on powdering the gentle and quiet spirit the Lord considers so precious. Come to think of it, I do too.


  7. Thanks for sharing that video. I'd seen/heard it once before but don't know where. Good reminder. I'm showing it to my 16 year old daughter too. Crazy what we "think" is real! Good to see what really is real and even more beautiful!

  8. Debbie,

    I'm just now getting over here. I've been trying to get my Christmas shopping done. I feel so far behind on the season!

    This video is great. I had heard the song many times, but I hadn't seen the video. I'm so glad they showed the computer touch-ups. It's so easy to feel inadequate when we see the images in the magazines, but it drastically changes things for me when I see the computer enhancements. We're comparing ourselves to computer-generated images!

    I love the way you address the dichotomy of the mindsets on fitness. We shouldn't make food OR body image an idol.

    Love you, Debbie!!!


  9. Well, I think you'll be proud of me - I just spent two days in the gym! But I think I over did it - for good reason though. I spent 16 hours learning to instruct aerobics dance. (I thought that the only way to get me to the gym is if I get paid for it...lol so I've become an instructor...lol.)

    Can't wait to start instructing!


I love to read your comments! I know you have something to share so join in the conversation. And thank you for taking the time.

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