Heart Choices: 2011-01-09 -->

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Touched by an Angel

"Touched by an Angel" was a popular TV show back in the late 1990's.  Greg and I used to watch it every Sunday evening.  We always loved the part of each show when the angel Monica would tell the person how much God loved them.  John Dye played the part of Andrew, the death angel.  He had such a kind face and was the the one who would take the person to heaven when they died. 
(Photo Credit: MSNBC)
Although I enjoyed the show, I had one problem with it.  They spoke of God's love but never finished the message.  I wanted them to add the Truth.  Yes, God loved them.  He loved them so much He sent His Son Jesus to pay the penalty for their sins.  But they needed to receive that gift personally to receive eternal life when they died.  But this is TV!

I had listened to the song "Testify to Love" in my car this week and had written it down as a reminder to post for "Then Sings My Soul Saturday".  This song was sung by Wynonna Judd in an episode about a little boy named Petey who was dying.

This morning as I was sitting at my computer to write this post, I clicked on KLove.  That's the radio station I often listen to on my way to work.  In the section titled "In the News: Most Clicked Stories", one headline caught my eye.   It read 'Touched by an Angel Star Dies'.  I quickly hit the link and read that John Dye, the actor who played Andrew, died of a heart attack at the age of 47. 

I remembered the trip Greg and I took to San Francisco with my nieces Kristin and Katie.  We were having brunch in a hotel restaurant.  The girls were loading their plates with food when they came running back to our table to tell us that the angel Andrew was there!  It was John Dye who was having brunch with some friends.  They wanted to go up and get his autograph but we didn't want to disturb him.  But I have to say he did have such a sweet face.  How sad that he died at such a young age. 

I was planning to post the Avalon version of "Testify to Love" but changed my mind after reading of John Dye's death.  Here's Wynonna singing in the episode I mentioned.

Blessings and love,


Hosting In Other Words Tuesday Next Week

I will be hosting "In Other Words Tuesday" next week.  This is a great opportunity to share your thoughts on a quote that is chosen by the host (me for this week) and link up together.  It can be short or long.  Put on your thinking caps.  Pray about it.  And then write ...

Here's next Tuesday's quote:

"God loves you.  He loves you so much that He's allowed this trial to push you to the point where you have no choice but to look to Him."
When Life is Hard by James MacDonald

I've been reading When Life is Hard at the suggestion of my good blogging friend Lisa of Lisa Shaw Ministries.  If you've been going through a difficult time lately, this is a great book to read.

So, I encourage you to join in on Tuesday, January 18.  I'll have a linky up and ready to go.  See you then.

Blessings and love,


Training Children

Training children is something I'm learning all about these days.

With a classroom of 18 three year olds that is so necessary.

I'm amazed that they are just like little sponges.

But it reminds me how careful I need to be as to what I teach and model for them.

For more Word Filled Wednesday, you can visit Lori at The Internet Cafe.

Blessings and love,


Where's Your Focus?

Laced With Grace
I'm over at Laced with Grace today. 

I encourage you to hop over and read about where you focus might be. 

Are you focusing on the things of this world and getting so rattled by troubles?

Or are you focusing on things above and receiving the peace that only the Lord can provide?

Blessings and love,


Happy SONday!

Happy SONday to you!

Taking attendance in a classroom filled with three year olds can be challenging.  How do you keep their attention long enough to get an accurate count?

I love how Heidi asks each child to repeat a phrase when their name is called. They must have their listening ears on so they will be able to answer when their name is called. Saying “Happy Monday” or “Wacky Wednesday” or “Fun Friday” is a great way to teach them the days of the week.

Rachel and Raghav excitedly answer correctly each day. But Christopher is easily distracted. When his name is called he often makes up a day or …he simply smiles.

The other children are invited to help Christopher out. They yell out “Happy Monday” all together to remind him.

So, what day is today?

It’s Happy SONday!

In case you've forgotten, it's a special day.  God loved you so much He gave His Son  Jesus to die for your sins.  And all you have to do is receive the gift of life given through His love.

Today you may encounter people who don’t realize it is ‘Happy SONday’.

May I make a few suggestions?

• Greet someone with a smile and say ‘happy SONday’
• Take time to really listen with your heart to someone today
• Shake the hand of someone new in your church
• Call someone who may be lonely
• Send a card to a hurting friend

I invite you to add to this list.

So, are you paying attention?  What day is it?

It's Happy SONday!

May you spread the love of Christ today.  Did you know you can even share it without words?

Does the world see something different in you?

Happy SONday to you!

Blessings and love,

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