Heart Choices: 2010-11-21 -->

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Go Light Your World

Photo Credit: Victoria Magazine
Go light your world!

As I've ventured back into full time work, I need to remind myself that I have a light within me.  I may not be able to openly share Jesus with words.  But I can live out this light in love.  As I come into contact with others throughout my week, may they feel the love of Jesus.

Have a wonderful week and ...go light your world.

For more songs, visit Amy of Then Sings My Soul Saturday.

Blessings and love,


Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving!

I'm so thankful for each person that takes the time to read Heart Choices.  It's such a blessing to write and get feedback.  I love to visit your blogs too.  I've not been able to visit as often lately as I'm now working full time.  But I try to catch up on days off.

I'm so thankful for God's love and provision.  He has been so faithful to supply my needs.  Many times, He has used others to bless me and for that I'm so very grateful.  As I've gone through a season of trials, I'm thankful for His presence in my life.  How do people go through struggles without Him? 

Today I had the privilege of being part of a Thanksgiving feast at the school where I'm working.  There were lots of little children and many parents.  The children dressed up in Pilgrim outfits or Native American head dresses with feathers and vests.  They were too cute as they sang the songs we've been practicing.  As their feast was served, they practiced their good manners. :)

I'm looking forward to spending Thanksgiving with Greg's family here in Arizona.  I miss my family but they will gather together in Florida at my sister's house. 

I'm getting off easy this year as my job is to bring the stuffing.  I  found this great recipe on Picky Palate.  I love when they give you step by step instructions with photos.  At least I know what it's supposed to look like.  I'll let you know how it comes out but it looks delicious.

I'm so thankful for my friends who gifted me with a turkey.  Many thanks to my Group of 12; you're the best.  I will be preparing it for Greg and me so we can have lots of leftovers at home. 

For more thankful posts, visit Laurie of Women Taking a Stand.
Blessings and love,


In Other Words Tuesday ~ Amazing Love

It's In Other Words Tuesday and Patricia of Typing One-Handed is our host for this week.

Here's the quote that Patricia chose for us to wrote on today:

When I spend some time really thinking about how much God loves me ...I become overwhelmed.

Who am I that He should love me so?

So many people grow up never feeling loved.  I've recently begun working in a private school teaching little children.  As I gaze at their beautiful faces, I wonder.  Do they feel loved?

Too often children grow up feeling as though they must earn love.  Yes, children must be disciplined (in love) and taught to do what's right.  But do they feel the unconditional love of knowing that no matter what ...they are loved?

As I grow in my relationship with the Lord, I learn that He loves me forever. 

Think about this:
  • Even when I wander, He tugs at my heart. 
  • Even when I sin, He's forgiven me. 
  • He has promised to never leave me or forsake me.
  • I know that I am a child of God.
So what is my response to this overwhelming love?

Do I want to take advantage of this love and become lazy and give in to whatever my flesh craves?

No way! 

God's amazing love ...sets me free!

I can live my life knowing in my heart that I am truly loved and cared for and in response:
  • I obey Him
  • I love Him back
  • I love others more easily
How do you respond to God's amazing love for you?

Blessings and love,

They Grow Up So Fast

I can't believe how quickly children grow up, especially when they aren't my own.  :)

Gabriella was in my first class as a childrens' leader for Bible Study Fellowship.  She was five years old at the time.  Isn't she cute?

This is Gabriella with her mom Marlene.  She is 16 years old now!  (Her mom is a teaching leader for BSF in Phoenix, AZ)

Marlene invited me to attend Horizon High School Choir's presentation of "Broadway Under the Stars: Heroes vs Villians".  Gabriella was performing with the Show Divas.  They danced and sang to a medley of "Gonna Fly Now" Theme from Rocky
"Eye of the Tiger"

They were so talented and ...oh so young!

I loved it!

Show Divas Group Photo 2010

I was so thankful for this opportunity to see Gabriella once again.  She's grown up so fast.  I love that she's been taught so well.

Blessings and love,

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