Christmas should be “the most wonderful time of the year". After all, isn't that what the song says? 
But for too many people, stress and depression can ruin this special time.
Have you ever set yourself up with...
- Unrealistic expectations of the 'perfect' family get together?
- RSVP'd to way too many parties?
- Spent days and hours searching for just the right gift for everyone on your list?

- Cleaned the house 'til it was spotless?
- Baked way too many cookies, pies and cakes? Of course, you've got to taste them too.
- Stayed up to all hours to finish decorating the house?
Isn't this supposed to be the time of year for peace and joy?
And what about getting in touch with the real reason we celebrate Christmas; the birth of Jesus?
I tried to pinpoint a few areas that often trigger stress and/or depression during this time of year.

Money issues: Love does not have to equal spending lots of money. Right now, finances are often a topic of discussion given our current economic crisis.
Maybe this is the year to consider adding a few new traditions? What about making gifts? Or volunteering with your children at the food bank or participating in the Shoe Box Ministry or some other local opportunity?
I remember when I was a child, we couldn't afford lots of expensive gifts. But our family was all together and we were thankful.

Relationships: Families consist of imperfect people who often spend more time together during this season. Tensions may be heightened with all this togetherness.
If someone close to you has died, this can be a very difficult time. My mom died almost four years ago and I miss her more at this time. I have so many fond memories of Christmas time spent with her.
Fatigue: Do you ever feel like this photo of my niece Katie? Exhausted from the strain of shopping, baking, cleaning, parties, your childrens' activities?
When you're tired, stress and depression can increase. The demands of the season, the overeating and lack of exercise can trigger more problems.
So, how will you deal with these potential trigger points this Christmas season?
Money, relationships and physical demands.
I'd love to hear any thoughts and suggestions you might share.