Heart Choices: My 100th Blog Post -->

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My 100th Blog Post

I can't believe this is my 100th blog post!

I'm certainly glad that it's the blog and not my 100th birthday I'm celebrating. At least ... not yet!

Since I don't want to bore anyone with 100 things about me, I'm going to write 10 things I've learned since I began to blog.

So, without further ado ... here's my list.

  1. Blogging takes time, effort and research: There have been times when I could just sit down and knock out a post in no time at all but that's not the norm. I'm a fast writer as long as I know my subject and what I want to say.
  2. Blogging has opened up a new world to me: I never knew so many blogs existed. But if you check my list of the blogs I follow, there are so many. And yes, I always try to keep up with their updates. I learn new things on a wide variety of subjects all the time. After all, I'm a life long learner.
  3. Blogging has provided me with new friends from around the world: I get so excited to meet new people through blogging. I've met L-Jay from Norway, Philip from Cyprus, Laurel and Debra from Florida, Meg from Maine, Lisa from Michigan, Sandy from Kentucky, and I even discovered some blogging friends from my own state of Arizona.
  4. Blogging is an extension of my journal: I've journaled for about 15 years now. It's fun to read things I wrote years ago. I've had seasons of great fun and happiness and then other times of struggle and challenge. I like to think that I'm content in ALL things, but I've got to admit that sometimes it's not always easy.
  5. Blogging helps me learn about social media: Initially, I began to blog to learn about this growing field. My husband asked me to help with his latest entrepreneural venture. So in the process, I discovered Facebook, Twitter, Friendfeed, Alltop, StumbleUpon, experts who write blogs about social media, SEO, and lots more.
  6. Blogging keeps me up to date on my topic: The focus of Heart Choices is to make healthier choices that impact body, mind and spirit. After all, it's our day to day choices that determine what our tomorrows become. I read books, articles, blogs and papers on heart health, motivation, the Bible, and many other sources. Hey, maybe this will keep my brain working as I get older.
  7. Bloggers are a source of encouragement: When I first started blogging, I wasn't consistent. There would be a long stretch between posts. If I could point to one thing that changed that, I would have to say Lysa TerKeurst. Lysa was our keynote speaker at my church's Woman to Woman Conference. I had the privilege of being the Phoenix hostess for Lysa and Holly's (her BFF and helper) stay. She told me that she has established the habit of writing a blog post five days a week. Lysa also shared something with me that I immediately wrote down. She said, "God is developing your character to match your calling in the fields of everyday life". That has encouraged me tremendously. Thanks, Lysa!
  8. Bloggers love feedback and comments: It can be lonely spending days on the computer between my "real job" and blogging. I get so excited when I see that someone took the time to add a comment. I know that some of my friends are only learning about blogs and many are reluctant or unsure about how to do this. But I want to thank those who stepped outside of their comfort zone to support me. And I thank the many bloggers who take time to visit and add their thoughts and feedback. You're great!
  9. Blogging teaches me about patience: It takes time to build a readership and people who follow you. It takes consistent and interesting posting. It takes time to find other blogs in your niche and add your comments to theirs.
  10. Blogging helps me to grow: I can't begin to tell you how blogging has enriched my life. It's helped me improve my writing skills. I've even communicated with publishers and authors. How cool is that?

So, I owe a big thank you to friends new and old who take the time to visit and maybe even ...comment on my blog. I appreciate every one of you!

Debbie Petras
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  1. Debbie,

    Isn't it amazing how fast that first 100 went! Congrats to you!

    I am truly blessed by our blog friendship and look forward to learning and growing in the Lord together...yes, in in blog land.

    Hugs to you, today!

  2. Big time congratulations! Keep up the good work.

  3. Congratulations on your 100th post! All ou said is true about blogging - and it's been such a blessing in my life, too. I think I'll hit my 100th post sometime close to Christmas week.

    Blessings to you, and again...

  4. Debbie,

    It's a cool milestone. I just met the same one over at The Phoenix Traveler dot com. It's worth a mention. Congratulations!

    And I just changed my whole background over at BIKE WITH JACKIE. Check it out when you have a minute. And thanks for "following" me. I agree with all that you say about what you've learned since blogging. It's a whole new world!


  5. CONGRADULATIONS DEBBIE! I didn't even know that "bloggers" have special events, like this
    100th post. I'm learning new things through all your efforts. Thank-you.
    By the by, don't forget, tomorrow is my b-day, another special event. Love you, h.

  6. Congrats on 100! I haven't been over for awhile, but I've thought about you and how much I appreciate your timely advice on health issues. Your blog is the only one like this I read...so far, and like you, it motivates me toward better health choices.

    Hope your Thanksgiving was rich and full of rest and hope. May Advent be a season of much reflection and promise for you and yours.


  7. Gratulerer!

    I am one week older than you! lol. I made it to 100 last week ;). 100 seems like a lot and when you get there you think: Boy, have I really been blogging for that long? Until you realise that 100 posts is only around 4 months. What if you blog for 4 or 5 years like other major bloggers? Just imagine how much great content you'll have then! You could sell your blog for millions but the growth you will have will be priceless ;)

  8. Congrats on your 100th post sweetie.

  9. Thank you for your well wishes!

    Debra- I enjoy our blog friendship so much.
    Rob- Thanks for stopping by and visiting my blog.
    Smelling coffee- I hope you're feeling better and get back to teaching those ladies at CBS. I'll be visiting your blog.
    Jackie- I'm so glad we found each other. I stopped by and commented on your 100th post too. :)
    Helen- Happy birthday to you tomorrow.
    Elaine- I'm so glad you came to visit! I always learn and grow from your blog posts.
    L-Jay- How did I miss your 100th post? I love it when you write in Norwegian. BTW, I met a lady on twitter the other day and she's taking Norwegian classes. I referred her to your blog.
    Denise- Thanks for your kind wishes. You're always so faithful in reaching out to others.

  10. Hi Debbie!!

    Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my market bag. I'm not so talented--but this is truly a gift from God.

    And, I totally agree with you about blogging. It's fun, educational, and I've met so many people that I've become friends with--people that I more than likely will never meet here on this earth.

    I'm trying to talk a friend of mine into blogging, and she says that she can't compete with everyone--that she doesn't know what to write. I told her--it's not a competition, it's fun, and you'll really enjoy it once you get started. Maybe someday!!

    If you want to see how I learned to knit, crochet and sew--stop by here: http://sailorcross.blogspot.com/2008/10/today-we-meet-mrs-robertson.html

    It's quite a story, if I say so myself.

    Have a wonderful day--whoa--I just looked--I'm up to 180 posts and I didn't have a celebration!! Well, I guess I'll just have to throw a party at 200 then!!


  11. Congrats!

    I enjoyed reading what you've learned. I love blogging now and the friendships I have made.

  12. Congratulations Debbie and keep bloging. Thank you for including me in your friends!

  13. Congrats on 100!! I enjoyed reading your list and could not agree more (by the way are you my friend on stumbleupon? I am lrlwreath).

    Keep blogging girl we are all blessed by it.

  14. Hi, Debbie,
    congratulations on happy hundred.
    I sure agree there's a lot to learn in blogland.
    I especially like your body & soul aspect.
    From Felisol

  15. Congrats! Great post, you really nailed it on the head. I see blogging as interactive therapy with extra benefits! ;)

  16. Wow, congratulations. You want to hear something amazing? I had my 100th post today also. I noticed it too late in the day to bother doing anything celebratory. Now I'll have to wait til the 250th or something. Well, keep it up. I've enjoyed getting acqainted with you.

  17. Congrats on your 100th post!! Time consuming? What? I don't know what you're talking about... hee hee.

    Have a great day, good luck in my giveaway! Glad you stopped by:-)

  18. Debbie,

    CONGRATS on your 100th post! What an amazing adventure blogging is and I couldn't agree more with all that you wrote.

    Thank you for always sharing your thoughts and encouragment with me!

    I am very thankful for meeting you via our blogs!

    God bless you today!

  19. Congrats on 100 posts! You've definitely made some valid points in your post today, and I certainly agree with you. Glad I found your blog! Have a fabulous day!

  20. I agree with everthing you said. I would never have guessed the impact when I started blogging 3 months ago.

  21. well, first of all congratulations!
    you did a great job...sharing very thought-provoking posts:)
    I had the same pleasure blogging too, it's funny when I sometimes get lost by blogging, I felt like I was wandering around but had learned a lot:) isn't blogging so amazing?
    more power!:)

  22. Happy Bloggy Birthday!!!

    I loved reading your list. I started blogging in March and it sounds like we've had similar blogging journeys. I concur with each and every one of your points.

    Even the thing about Lysa Terkeurst...isn't that funny? Reading Lysa's blog is what inspired me to start my own...in fact, I wasn't even reading any other blogs besides hers when I started. And seeing her post every day prompted me to post more often, as well.

    Sandy Cooper


I love to read your comments! I know you have something to share so join in the conversation. And thank you for taking the time.

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