This is Mary of Pile of Smiles and Michele of Beelieve You Can. Both of these women were just like they write.
From left to right is Sherry of Country Wings in Phoenix Donetta of A Life Uncommon and Marty of A Stroll Thru Life.
We didn't leave empty handed either. Sherry gave us each a gift bag of goodies and Michele had a beautiful hat box and asked us each to pick out an item to take home.
Here's Charlotte of At Home in Scottsdale and Charlotte's Weblog. Did you know that her hubby is also a blogger and a retired pastor? He should have joined us for lunch too. She shared the story of how they met. I got to sit next to her.
Take a closer look at these adorable bookmarks. Charlotte made them for each of us. She obviously researched our blogs and used photos and wrote the name of our blog on each one. She's very creative and good on that computer of hers.
And on my other side, I got to sit next to Mary of Pile of Smiles. We were matching in our blue tops and we had lots to talk about; too much in fact so I think we need to get together again. She is just as nice as she seems on her blog and I love her smile. She's the real deal.
In fact, I have to say that this time together was a delight. Donetta was so interested in our stories about how we came to know the Lord. It was so interesting listening to how He's impacted our lives. That alone makes us instant sisters, doesn't it?
Thank you Marty, Donetta, Sherry, Michele, Mary and Charlotte. I loved meeting each one of you and hope to see you again soon. In the meantime, I'll be following your blogs.