Heart Choices: BlogHer Blog Hop '09 -->

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BlogHer Blog Hop '09

I really wanted to go to BlogHer's annual conference this year. Last year I followed many of the #BlogHer tweets on Twitter. I loved reading the posts written by many of the women attending.

We all know that women can multi-task! These gals were listening, learning and blogging ...all at the same time.

So what else is new?

My writer friend Ruth and I talked about going to Chicago together. But then life happens ...and I'm at home and not attending AGAIN.

Instead of being sad I decided to join Pensieve in her BlogHer Blog Hop '09. If we can't be there this year, we can all write about it and visit each other.

I was so excited to learn that next year's BlogHer conference place and date was announced.

New York City BlogHer '10 ...here we come!

My friend Ruth already lives there so I'm sure she'll be going. And I'm originally from NY and my "favorite" niece Katie has an apartment there ...so just maybe I'll get to go too.

Mark your calendars early. Next year's date is on Friday and Saturday August 6-7, 2010. I hope to see you there!

I almost forgot to tell you about me and Heart Choices. I worked as a cardiovascular nurse for 25 years but now work with my hubby in technology. I had to learn all about social media because we have a patent for a new way to share recommendations online. How cool is that? More to come on that later. But Heart Choices is my personal blog where I share about things like getting back in shape, what I'm thankful for, memories and fun times with my family and friends and so much more. So, hope you will come on back to visit any time!

And don't forget to visit other bloggers who didn't get to go either this year. Just link to Pensieve and there's a long list to visit and why not add a link to your Blog Hop '09 post? There are prizes, if you follow the rules.
Debbie Petras
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  1. Thanks Debbie for the interesting information!

  2. i came here from mary's. piles of smiles :)
    if you are a friend of marys you gotta be a sweetie!

    looks like you all had a great time! look forward to knowing you!

  3. This looks interesting. We're planning to go to Boston in October. We've never visited the east coast.
    I'm glad I sat next to you at Gooseberries too. It was so nice to meet you.
    Have a great weekend.

  4. Stopping by from the Blog Hop and wanted to say hi!
    Though this years BlogHer was close to home for me, I'm hoping to be able to go next year too.

  5. I'm in from the Blog Hop! :)

    Wow, NYC sure would be a fun place fore BlogHer10!

  6. Hi!

    Nice to meet you - your lunch looked lovely, the only bloggers I've met are the ones who convinced me to start blogging :)

    Have a great Sunday - your sunshine sounds good to a rain soaked Londoner.

  7. NYC! I know!!! This Southern girl has ALWAYS wanted to visit NYC so hopefully I'll make it there in August. I'll be at a few other blogging conferences between now and then though, but nothing compares to BlogHer, I'm told!!

  8. Nice to meet you via the Blog Hop. I bought my ticket for Blog Her '10, so maybe I'll see you there!

  9. hi all


I love to read your comments! I know you have something to share so join in the conversation. And thank you for taking the time.

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