Heart Choices: 2012-03-04 -->

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Become Like Little Children

It's Word-filled Wednesday and I'm linking up with Internet Cafe Devotions.

Sometimes we make things too complicated.  I remember inviting my friend to church with me.  She heard the Good News of the Gospel very clearly.  When we left, she turned to me and said "but that's too simple".  Don't I have to do ....

She came from a church background of working her way towards salvation.  So it was hard for her to accept the free gift of salvation.

Children have no trouble receiving.  They love to learn new things.  Their smiles are contagious when they finally get something.

Have you received this precious gift yet?

Blessings and love,


The Blessing of Change

Counting my every day blessings has greatly impacted the way I view life.

Change is in the air!  

The people who know me well know that I don't do change very well.  I tend to stick to the familiar.  But change is inevitable in life.  Just when the dark clouds seem to overshadow, the sun comes shining through.

Greg and I will be saying good bye to the bunnies in the backyard.  It's been a unique experience having lots of wild rabbits, quail, and coyotes wandering through.  But we will be moving closer to town and work so it's a good change.  But it's change nonetheless.

Even the children at school are changing.  I was going through my photos and found this one taken on the first day of school back in August of 2011.  They have grown so much!  In May, they will be graduating to the Pre-K 4 class and already I'm starting to feel sad.

The children have brought me so much joy.  They are so open and loving.  They haven't been hurt by life and circumstances and ...it's refreshing.

They are learning to share.  They are learning to use their words to talk to one another instead of always tattling to the teacher.

As I gaze into their sweet faces, I thank God for bringing me to this place.  My heart overflows with love.

They make me laugh!  We were having PE outside last week and it was very windy.  One of our teachers had goosebumps on her legs as she was cold.  Little Anika immediately grabbed her legs to make them warm.  Too cute!

I can't believe I titled this post "The Blessing of Change" but I think it's true.  I am learning to trust God with each day.  Sometimes I need to remind myself moment by moment but I am learning.  And for that, I am thankful.

I'm linking up with Ann of A Holy Experience as we count our every day blessings for Multitudes on Mondays.

Blessings and love,

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