Heart Choices: 2011-09-11 -->

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TSMSS ~ Let Faith Arise

This morning I awakened early with this song in my head.  It's called "Let Faith Arise" by Chris Tomlin. Since it's Then Sings My Soul Saturday, I knew I had to post it.

As I read the words to this song, it was a reminder and an encouragement for me.  No matter what's going on in my life, I can count on God.  He is my refuge and my strength.

Happy Saturday!

Blessings and love,


Are You Thirsty?

Are you thirsty?  Have you ever had an unquenchable thirst?
Your throat becomes so dry and you can’t seem to drink enough water to satisfy that thirst.
Living in the desert of Phoenix, I’m familiar with this kind of thirst.
I’ve gone for long hikes in the mountains.  Even though I always carry my water bottle with me I still return home thirsty.
I'm over at Laced with Grace today so to continue reading, click here.

Laced With Grace

Blessings and love,


Faith and Friendship

Faith and friendship.  There's something beautiful about those kinds of relationships.

I scanned a card I received from one of my closest friends.  Don't you just love cards like the one above?

Me, Helen, Anna May, Linda, and Susan
I've been blessed with some wonderful friends.  As I look at this photo, I am reminded of how good God is.  I continue to count each one of these women a good friend of mine.

  • We've walked through many trials together.  
  • We've prayed together. 
  • We've laughed together.  
  • We've cried together.  
We are each going through different seasons of our lives.  But we were brought together through our faith and love for Jesus.  And believe me, that creates some solid friendships that can weather many a storm.  How grateful I am for my friends!

Right now, I'm in a season of my life when I don't have enough hours in the day.  Working full time with a long commute doesn't allow me the extra time to 'do lunch' with friends or to simply sit and talk for hours.  I remember the days when that was possible and it was ...lots of fun!

But how thankful I am that my friends have not deserted me!

I even have long distance friends like Jamie.  We met when I was a children's leader in Bible Study Fellowship.  I had Jamie's daughter Ellie in my class and we became fast friends.  Jamie and her husband Todd moved from the Phoenix area to San Antonio, Texas but we continue to remain friends.  We have that solid bond of our faith.  When we get together it seems like no time has past.  We can pick right up where we left off.  How I love that!

And then there are blogging friends.  What a joy to get to know a woman's heart through her blog and then get to meet her.  I've had the privilege of meeting about a dozen bloggers.  Here I am with Iris of Grace Alone and Lori of Lori's Reflections.

I thank God for my faith and my friendships.

How about you?  Do you have any special friendships?

I am linking up with Bonnie of The Faith Barista for this jam session on 'faith and friendship'.


Blessings and love,


Counting Blessings Even in the These Times

I look forward to Multitudes on Mondays when I can share the everyday blessings I encounter throughout my week.  I have to be on the lookout since I feel accountable writing this post each week.  And that's a good thing.

It's been very hot here in the Phoenix area with temperatures still remaining in the triple digit range.  I came out of work eager to get home only to discover I had a dead battery!  However, a kind co-worker gladly allowed me to attach my jumper cables to her car to get my engine started.
Google Image
I was able to get home and call AAA who replaced my battery.

On the way home, I noticed how beautiful the sky and clouds were.

So of course, I had to take a photo to share.  In the midst of those frustrating days, it's good to notice the everyday blessings.

#154  A kind friend who was willing to help me out in my time of need

#155  Having AAA to call for my car battery 

#156  A beautiful cloud formation with the sun shining through to remind me of God's provision and goodness 

My weekdays go by so quickly and by the time I get home I'm so tired.

Thankfully, my husband Greg has had a variety of meals all ready for me. I'm so grateful for his thoughtfulness.

My friend Helen was so kind to think of me this week.  She called and asked if she could drop something off.  Low and behold, she showed up with a complete meal for Greg and me.

I was so thankful and so was Greg.

#157 A thoughtful husband who enjoys making fun meals with our leftovers

#158 A good friend who took the time to prepare a meal for my family

I couldn't let a week go by without sharing a few blessings I had with the children.

It was Evan's fourth birthday and his mom brought in colored cupcakes for our class to enjoy during snack time.  Heidi and I laughed as they gobbled up those yummy sweets and didn't even realize their little mouths were covered in the colors.  As you can see for yourself, Maya choose a pink cupcake.  I think she's really enjoying it, don't you?

#159  Watching little children eat sweet cupcakes with no regard for being proper

This week the three year olds were introduced to the letter B.  They practice writing B's, both lower case and upper case.  They identify words that begin with the letter B.  And they also get to pick out all the B's in a poem.
Heidi and I were so excited when they were able to find the nine "B's" in this poem.  Patrick found a hidden b.  Yay!

#160  Seeing the children learn and really get it

#161  Working with Heidi who is an incredible teacher

#162  Getting to share the delight with Heidi when the children progress in their learning and understanding

With the tenth anniversary of 9/11, many of the children wore red, white and blue.

Speaking of 9/11, I recently read a book on my Kindle that grabbed my attention. Escape From the World Trade Center was written by a woman named Leslie Haskin.  She describes in vivid detail her escape from the 36th floor of Tower One of the World Trade Center.  I was caught up in her description of the events and emotions on that day.

How inspiring it was to learn that despite post traumatic stress disorder and a long recovery, she eventually embraced the faith of her childhood.

She had a praying mother.   

Why am I not surprised?  Btw, I had a hard time putting this book (or should I say my Kindle) down.

# 163 Hearing a story of good in the midst of such tragedy of 9/11

I invite you to be on the lookout for those everyday blessings.  We have plenty of tragedies and bad news in this world, but there's always something for which we can be thankful.

You can always join in with Ann of A Holy Experience.  Or you can simply begin keeping a daily list.  Believe me, it will change your perspective.

Blessings and love,

Photo Credit for "count your blessings":  Saying It Sweet
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