Heart Choices: Faith and Friendship -->

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Faith and Friendship

Faith and friendship.  There's something beautiful about those kinds of relationships.

I scanned a card I received from one of my closest friends.  Don't you just love cards like the one above?

Me, Helen, Anna May, Linda, and Susan
I've been blessed with some wonderful friends.  As I look at this photo, I am reminded of how good God is.  I continue to count each one of these women a good friend of mine.

  • We've walked through many trials together.  
  • We've prayed together. 
  • We've laughed together.  
  • We've cried together.  
We are each going through different seasons of our lives.  But we were brought together through our faith and love for Jesus.  And believe me, that creates some solid friendships that can weather many a storm.  How grateful I am for my friends!

Right now, I'm in a season of my life when I don't have enough hours in the day.  Working full time with a long commute doesn't allow me the extra time to 'do lunch' with friends or to simply sit and talk for hours.  I remember the days when that was possible and it was ...lots of fun!

But how thankful I am that my friends have not deserted me!

I even have long distance friends like Jamie.  We met when I was a children's leader in Bible Study Fellowship.  I had Jamie's daughter Ellie in my class and we became fast friends.  Jamie and her husband Todd moved from the Phoenix area to San Antonio, Texas but we continue to remain friends.  We have that solid bond of our faith.  When we get together it seems like no time has past.  We can pick right up where we left off.  How I love that!

And then there are blogging friends.  What a joy to get to know a woman's heart through her blog and then get to meet her.  I've had the privilege of meeting about a dozen bloggers.  Here I am with Iris of Grace Alone and Lori of Lori's Reflections.

I thank God for my faith and my friendships.

How about you?  Do you have any special friendships?

I am linking up with Bonnie of The Faith Barista for this jam session on 'faith and friendship'.


Blessings and love,

Debbie Petras
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  1. I love having friends like you in my life! You inspire me to keep pressing hard into Jesus!

    Love you!!!

  2. I was just talking about this to one of my friends. Recently 1 of my 5 got breast cancer. Oh how a relationship can deepen through hardship, how holding hands through the trial is like holding a heart close to mine. What would we do without our circle of women who love us so...and speak to the different parts within.

    Great Post!
    Hold all those friends close.

    And like I recently wrote about in the last week.. make a call - it only takes 10-mins to let them know they are loved!! :0)

  3. Debbie - So glad your friends are such a blessing to you.

    Happy fall days - Marsha

  4. Aren't friends wonderful....? I look at your pictures and I can see the love shining out. I am thinking of faces while I write this, and smiles. So many I don't see often enough.....Lori

  5. Hi Debbie,
    I keep trying to respond to this and my computer keeps throwing me off. I will just say "thank-you," and you are forever my dear friend.
    Love you.

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  8. You are so right...Faith and Friendship go together beautifully! Infact, I think the best friends are those who are "sisters-in-Christ". They are the ones who will pray with us and for us and stand by us during the rough times. Thanks for sharing about your friends and the picture of you, Iris and Lori!

    Blessings, Joan

  9. Ahhh! I have the worst time getting
    to comment on your blog lately!
    Anyway, yes, I am blessed to have
    some wonderful girlfriends who share
    my faith in the Lord Jesus. Don't
    know what I would do without them,
    especially Theresa, Teri, and Ann
    Love these sweet pictures of all
    of you.
    Blessings & Hugs!

  10. I pray we get to meet on this side of heaven Debbie -- but if not, we will certainly recognize each other in heaven!

    I am so thankful for my friends too and like you -- I rarely have time to just sit with them.

    Love & hugs!

  11. Amen!! The older I get, the more I value relationships, especially with my BFFs (plural!). I count you among them, Debbie. Whether near or far, you can be sure you have a special place in my heart.

    Love you,

  12. You are such a beautiful woman, Debbie, inside and out. I'm always so glad when you post pictures with you in them. :-)

  13. Friends help grow faith... you have some wonderful ones! I have loved reading what you posted and linked to the jam session at Faith Barista!

  14. how sweet! i love the pic of Lori, you and Iris together! I know each of your friends blogs as well! :) It's amazing how friends get brought together! And thinking of phoenix, I can't wait to be there next week for WoF conference!

  15. You are a special blogging friend to me. You were there to encourage me from the beginning. And I've seen you walk through the changes in your seasons. It has been hard, but it's been such a joy to have a seat -- even if it is digital -- to hear how you are staying faithful to be honest and hold your life open to Jesus and His work. As for friendships, it is a rare thing to find when they can flex with changing seasons. Hold onto those friends of yours, Debbie. They are keepers! :)

  16. Beautiful message Debbie and I count you as one of my faith and friendship sisters! Love you!


I love to read your comments! I know you have something to share so join in the conversation. And thank you for taking the time.

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