Heart Choices: 2014-03-09 -->

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Five Minute Friday: Crowd

It's Five Minute Friday when I link up with The Gypsy Mama.  We are given a one word writing prompt and get to write for five minutes flat.  Our word for today is CROWD.


A sea of faces surrounds me.  All dressed in blue uniforms.  It's a crowd of amazing children who are students at our school.  Each one is unique.  I scan the crowd as I prepare to take photos.  I am greeted by waves and smiles and "Hi Miss Debbie".  I recognize faces of children who were in our Pre-K 3 Class several years ago.  They may have grown but I still see the sweet face of a precious child.

I wonder how they will choose to distinguish themselves from the crowd as they grow and get older.  Momentarily, I consider the choices I've made in my life to get to this place.

Life happens.  Some things we can control. Other things are outside of our control. I still believe that it's our response to the circumstances in our lives that makes the difference.  One person will be defeated and devastated by loss and failure. Another will be energized and motivated to continue to pursue their dreams.

What choices have you made?  What do you hope to teach your children?  Will you stand out from the crowd and choose to make a difference in someone else's life?

I do believe even the small things make a difference.


Blessings and love,


Learning to Walk with Jesus

Learning to walk with Jesus is a life time pursuit.

I was seven years old when I first acknowledged I was a sinner and in need of a Savior.  The pastor's wife had taken me for a drive to talk to me privately since I was about to undergo a major risky heart operation for a congenital heart defect. She shared how Jesus died for my sins and how much He loved me.  In my little girl's mind I still remember how much I wanted forgiveness and to receive Him into my heart. And so I prayed ...

I survived the surgery and my family praised and thanked God for answers to their prayers. Life continued and I was thankful that I had a ticket to heaven for when I died.

Since I'd been sidelined for the first seven years of my life, I made up for lost time.  I was determined to run faster, play harder and enjoy the life I felt I'd missed. My family changed churches and my siblings and I were sent to a variety of Sunday Schools over the years.  I'd pray and memorize Bible verses from time to time but there was no consistency. My grandparents were a wonderful example and whenever they had the opportunity would take me to Vacation Bible School during the summers at their church.  I remember seeing my grandfather sitting in his chair with his large Bible each morning and evening as he studied and prayed.

To continue reading, please go to Lisa Shaw's Women Walking With Jesus.

Blessings and love,


Are You Restless?

Are you restless?  Does life seem to be going by so fast that you feel like you can't take a moment to catch your breath?

I've been reading a book by Jennie Allen called Restless: Because You Were Made For More.  It's about living the life we were created to live.  Jennie goes through a process of identifying the threads of our life and weaving them together.  Those threads often involve pain and suffering.  Since God is sovereign, He can use the good, bad and ugly for good.  She uses the life of Joseph who was sold into slavery by his brothers as an example.

I have to say that when I look back over my life, there have been seasons of pain but also seasons of fun, love and joy.

Are there dreams still inside of me?  What am I afraid of?  There's much to ponder.  Am I keeping the best inside my bucket and not letting it out?

I consider where I am today.  A nurse who is working in a preschool.  Now how did that happen?  It's a long story but ...

I remember that:

  • I felt very alone as a young child.
  • I couldn't run and keep up with other children.
  • I was born with a heart defect.
  • I wanted to belong.
  • I felt different.
  • I didn't want to cause my parents to cry.
  • I wanted to be held.
  • I had so much love to share.
It makes sense that I became a cardiac nurse.  

It makes sense that I love to work with little children. 

Four year old Riya says "Miss Debbie, if my hair is pulled up on the sides I will look pretty."  I quickly grab her hair band and clips and fix her dark hair the way she likes.  But I also tell her that she is beautiful no matter how her hair is fixed. She smiles up at Miss Debbie and skips away singing her favorite song ...'let it go'.

I think of some of the dreams I held close to my heart. The dreams of having my own children that never materialized.  But God brought me to this place in a way I never imagined or would choose for myself.

As I sweep the fallen crumbs from beneath the table after the children have their snack, I remember 1 Corinthians 10:31:

"Whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God."

I believe God can work all things for good and His glory.  And so I surrender to His plan and seek His purpose.

I'm still in the process of looking at the threads of my life. I want to live out the dream God has for my life.

How about you?  Can you look back and see some of your own threads?  Are you daring to dream?  Don't regret because of a need to do everything perfectly.

Blessings and love,

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