Heart Choices: Are You Restless? -->

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Are You Restless?

Are you restless?  Does life seem to be going by so fast that you feel like you can't take a moment to catch your breath?

I've been reading a book by Jennie Allen called Restless: Because You Were Made For More.  It's about living the life we were created to live.  Jennie goes through a process of identifying the threads of our life and weaving them together.  Those threads often involve pain and suffering.  Since God is sovereign, He can use the good, bad and ugly for good.  She uses the life of Joseph who was sold into slavery by his brothers as an example.

I have to say that when I look back over my life, there have been seasons of pain but also seasons of fun, love and joy.

Are there dreams still inside of me?  What am I afraid of?  There's much to ponder.  Am I keeping the best inside my bucket and not letting it out?

I consider where I am today.  A nurse who is working in a preschool.  Now how did that happen?  It's a long story but ...

I remember that:

  • I felt very alone as a young child.
  • I couldn't run and keep up with other children.
  • I was born with a heart defect.
  • I wanted to belong.
  • I felt different.
  • I didn't want to cause my parents to cry.
  • I wanted to be held.
  • I had so much love to share.
It makes sense that I became a cardiac nurse.  

It makes sense that I love to work with little children. 

Four year old Riya says "Miss Debbie, if my hair is pulled up on the sides I will look pretty."  I quickly grab her hair band and clips and fix her dark hair the way she likes.  But I also tell her that she is beautiful no matter how her hair is fixed. She smiles up at Miss Debbie and skips away singing her favorite song ...'let it go'.

I think of some of the dreams I held close to my heart. The dreams of having my own children that never materialized.  But God brought me to this place in a way I never imagined or would choose for myself.

As I sweep the fallen crumbs from beneath the table after the children have their snack, I remember 1 Corinthians 10:31:

"Whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God."

I believe God can work all things for good and His glory.  And so I surrender to His plan and seek His purpose.

I'm still in the process of looking at the threads of my life. I want to live out the dream God has for my life.

How about you?  Can you look back and see some of your own threads?  Are you daring to dream?  Don't regret because of a need to do everything perfectly.

Blessings and love,

Debbie Petras
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  1. Oh this is awesome Debbie; so inspiring! It reminds me that I need to embrace every moment and live out loud! Our life on earth is like a breath, one moment you’re here and the next you're gone. We can’t sit around in the corner and let life pass us by while we play it safe. Sounds like a wonderful book!

    Blessings dear friend; have a wonderful week!
    Denise ♥

  2. Another inspiring heartfelt post! When I had my 60th birthday, almost 2 years ago, I really began looking at the threads of my life and realizing that I had lived well over 2/3 of my life. Wow! The Lord has shown many things and is leading me right now in a new direction and I am so excited. Happy week Debbie!

  3. Debbie, I enjoyed this post so much--and even though I am older I am going to dream some more dreams and keep living every day that I have--one of your very best posts to me my friend. Thank you.

  4. I am learning how to dream again. There is still so much I want to do. I have Jennie's study for Restless sitting on my shelf. Can't wait to dive in!

  5. Great post! I so agree. When I start to feel restless, it's wise to look back from where I've come to see where I am today.... and to trust I will continue to move forward!

  6. A beautiful walk you have had, and a beautiful walk you continue, ever knowiing Jesus is at your side. Like those that walked to Emmaus, many of us do need to look back to see He was with us all the time. love and prayers

  7. Thank you so much for these heart-felt words of encouragment. I was visiting with a friend yesterday and sharing with her that I had never learned to skate or swim and a lot of others things because if I couldn't do it well the first time I tried, so I gave up. Perfectionist tendencies can pleague us all our life and keep us from reaching our full potential unless we let go and let God take control. It can be good to look back and see how God has led and shaped us all these years and what He is preparing us for in the future. Thanks again for sharing your heart with us today. What a calling you have been given.


I love to read your comments! I know you have something to share so join in the conversation. And thank you for taking the time.

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