Heart Choices: Five Minute Friday: Crowd -->

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Five Minute Friday: Crowd

It's Five Minute Friday when I link up with The Gypsy Mama.  We are given a one word writing prompt and get to write for five minutes flat.  Our word for today is CROWD.


A sea of faces surrounds me.  All dressed in blue uniforms.  It's a crowd of amazing children who are students at our school.  Each one is unique.  I scan the crowd as I prepare to take photos.  I am greeted by waves and smiles and "Hi Miss Debbie".  I recognize faces of children who were in our Pre-K 3 Class several years ago.  They may have grown but I still see the sweet face of a precious child.

I wonder how they will choose to distinguish themselves from the crowd as they grow and get older.  Momentarily, I consider the choices I've made in my life to get to this place.

Life happens.  Some things we can control. Other things are outside of our control. I still believe that it's our response to the circumstances in our lives that makes the difference.  One person will be defeated and devastated by loss and failure. Another will be energized and motivated to continue to pursue their dreams.

What choices have you made?  What do you hope to teach your children?  Will you stand out from the crowd and choose to make a difference in someone else's life?

I do believe even the small things make a difference.


Blessings and love,

Debbie Petras
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  1. Hi Debbie -

    Visiting from FMF. Sometimes in a sea of faces it's hard to know how we are unique. I love that you see each child and wonder how they will stand out. I have a feeling the caring you give to them helps them to know they are loved!

  2. Vey nice wriiten Debbie. Yes, the choice is ours and we ought to choose right. Our life depends on right choices.
    have a nice weekend:)

  3. That is so true, that our response to circumstances makes all the difference. Hope you've had a wonderful weekend!

  4. I really love your five minute Friday entries. You do such a great job, must be the writer in you. REally Debbie, I am just amazed at the way you put your thoughts on paper (the screen:), and how each time you have such good insight. It does cause one to think........do I stand out from the crowd or do I just blend in? On an even deeper level, I wonder if Jesus were looking for me, would I stand out from the crowd, would He be able to pick me out? Oh my, something to think about.


I love to read your comments! I know you have something to share so join in the conversation. And thank you for taking the time.

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