Heart Choices: Learning to Walk with Jesus -->

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Learning to Walk with Jesus

Learning to walk with Jesus is a life time pursuit.

I was seven years old when I first acknowledged I was a sinner and in need of a Savior.  The pastor's wife had taken me for a drive to talk to me privately since I was about to undergo a major risky heart operation for a congenital heart defect. She shared how Jesus died for my sins and how much He loved me.  In my little girl's mind I still remember how much I wanted forgiveness and to receive Him into my heart. And so I prayed ...

I survived the surgery and my family praised and thanked God for answers to their prayers. Life continued and I was thankful that I had a ticket to heaven for when I died.

Since I'd been sidelined for the first seven years of my life, I made up for lost time.  I was determined to run faster, play harder and enjoy the life I felt I'd missed. My family changed churches and my siblings and I were sent to a variety of Sunday Schools over the years.  I'd pray and memorize Bible verses from time to time but there was no consistency. My grandparents were a wonderful example and whenever they had the opportunity would take me to Vacation Bible School during the summers at their church.  I remember seeing my grandfather sitting in his chair with his large Bible each morning and evening as he studied and prayed.

To continue reading, please go to Lisa Shaw's Women Walking With Jesus.

Blessings and love,

Debbie Petras
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  1. Somehow the Lord helped me always know this part of you. When you have faith, listening with the heart helps you ignore all the other noise and gives the Lord an openning to show you the truth. Thank you, Lord

  2. Hubby and I are in a small group study right now and we're studying True Spirituality by Chip Ingram. It's the study of Romans 12 and totally surrendering to the Lord. It is an awesome study! It is a daily struggle as I continue to strive to be all that He would have me be and thank goodness, HE never gives up on us.

    Great and inspiring post!

  3. Nice knowing a bit of your story dear. Precious!


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