It's National Wear Red Day!
The purpose of this day is to raise awareness for the fact that heart disease is the #1 killer of women.
Did you know that heart disease can be prevented?
The American Heart Association has established a special website where you can learn about your risk factors for heart disease. They also have resources to help you make healthier lifestyle choices. I encourage you to visit their site.I thought this topic went right along with Fitness Friday. After all, eating healthy and exercising will help reduce your risk factors for heart disease. So, add that as ...another reason to stay motivated.
When I worked as a cardiovascular nurse, I dealt with patients who already had heart disease. I conducted a survey to discover their greatest fear.I expected them to say they were afraid of dying. But no.
They were more afraid of surviving a heart attack and being left disabled.They wanted to be able to continue to do the things they enjoyed, whether that was playing golf, walking, shopping or simply playing with their children or grandchildren. They just didn't want to be dependent on others.
Well, you might be young and heart disease may not be high on your list of concerns ...yet.But consider your family history. Both my grandfather and my dad had heart disease, so it's a concern for me. I want to do all I can to prevent this disease so that no matter how long I live I can be active and energetic.
What about your cholesterol? Are you getting any aerobic type of exercise? How do you deal with stress? What about your blood pressure readings?Be sure to learn about your risk factors so you can be proactive to prevent future problems.
And don't forget to:
- Eat lots of fruits, veggies and whole grains.
- Eat smaller portion sizes.
- Drink water.
- Take a walk or a hike or dust off the treadmill today.
- Take a moment to relax and take some deep breaths.
Let's all wear something red today in honor of National Wear Red Day!
It's breakfast, of course! And I totally agree with her on this one, so head on over to her blog.
And by the way, would you leave a comment and let me know if you're going to wear something red today? Please join us and Go Red for Women!