Heart Choices: Fitness Friday ~ Go Red for Women -->

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Fitness Friday ~ Go Red for Women

Today is Fitness Friday. But did you know it's also another special day?

It's National Wear Red Day!

The purpose of this day is to raise awareness for the fact that heart disease is the #1 killer of women.

Did you know that heart disease can be prevented?

The American Heart Association has established a special website where you can learn about your risk factors for heart disease. They also have resources to help you make healthier lifestyle choices. I encourage you to visit their site.

I thought this topic went right along with Fitness Friday. After all, eating healthy and exercising will help reduce your risk factors for heart disease. So, add that as ...another reason to stay motivated.

When I worked as a cardiovascular nurse, I dealt with patients who already had heart disease. I conducted a survey to discover their greatest fear.

I expected them to say they were afraid of dying. But no.

They were more afraid of surviving a heart attack and being left disabled.

They wanted to be able to continue to do the things they enjoyed, whether that was playing golf, walking, shopping or simply playing with their children or grandchildren. They just didn't want to be dependent on others.

Well, you might be young and heart disease may not be high on your list of concerns ...yet.

But consider your family history. Both my grandfather and my dad had heart disease, so it's a concern for me. I want to do all I can to prevent this disease so that no matter how long I live I can be active and energetic.

What about your cholesterol? Are you getting any aerobic type of exercise? How do you deal with stress? What about your blood pressure readings?

Be sure to learn about your risk factors so you can be proactive to prevent future problems.

And don't forget to:

  • Eat lots of fruits, veggies and whole grains.

  • Eat smaller portion sizes.

  • Drink water.

  • Take a walk or a hike or dust off the treadmill today.

  • Take a moment to relax and take some deep breaths.
Let's stay healthy and prevent heart disease. And how about showing some support for the American Heart Association's campaign?

Let's all wear something red today in honor of National Wear Red Day!

And don't forget to visit Sandy at God Speaks Today for her Fitness Friday post. I heard it through the grapevine that she's writing about the most important meal of the day. Can you guess what that is?

It's breakfast, of course! And I totally agree with her on this one, so head on over to her blog.

And by the way, would you leave a comment and let me know if you're going to wear something red today? Please join us and Go Red for Women!
Debbie Petras
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  1. Love it! Thanks as always for the informative post on heart health. So many people neglect their hearts when they are young and hope to make up for lost time later in life. Good choices now, make for healthy hearts later.


  2. Dear Debbie,
    Now I've read through your blog for this week.
    Why, aren't you a busy bee.
    Son many topics and such insight.
    I do admire the loving, caring tone in every thing you write and say.
    Mildly encouraging, always with an air of genuine, Christian consideration.
    I began to think," how can she manage to be so special even when writing about football?"
    The answer gave itself.
    You are a thoroughbred. In everything you write Christ is with you.
    That's just wonderful to experience.
    I'll wear red for you today, even if no one cares or knows the reason why.
    I can of course make it a conversation piece.
    Look at this jacket...I'm wearing it because..and so on

    And yes, I have had angina some six years ago, popped nitro and the whole shebang.
    Turned out it was stress related and went away as I, with the help of God and my husband, managed to tune the stress factors in my life down.

    I don't have a single Must Do List, except for around Christmas.
    I don't even try to keep up to my Mom's standards as to household skills.
    I'm embracing every day and treasure the moments of activity, togetherness, solitude and use the off button for our telli frequently.

    I think I am fighting me back to getting better, and more fit.
    From Felisol

  3. WOW!! I work for physicians' and I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW it was National Wear Red Day!!

    So, you've made it very easy for me to decide what to wear to work today!!

    Today is weight-in day, so I'll be stopping over at Sandy's after work!!


  4. I love joining Sandy for Fitness Fridays. She's such a warm, funny and knowledgeable woman of God. Thank you Sandy for linking to me.

    Mustafa: although I don't understand your language, thank you for visiting me.

    Felisol: Your words are so kind. The only way I can even get through my day is through Christ who gives me His strength. I know who I am in Him. But I do admit, there are those days when my flesh gets in the way. I'm glad you have less stress now and that you are working to become more fit.

    Beth: I glad that you will wear red today and educate those doctors. Sometimes we have the opportunity to do that too. :)

  5. So I go to my closet and realize I don't have anything red! I am running errands though so I'm sure I'll be somewhere where I can buy one of the red dress pins.

    This issue is a great motivator for me.

  6. Thanks for the prompting to get moving physically! I do eat a lot of veggies and fruits -- and I only drink water, but finding time to exercise has been a challenge.

    Bless you,

  7. I love this blog :) My grandfather had a heart attack at 43. My mom had one at 42. So I am REALLY into preventing heart disease. This blog really inspires me and helps me out! Thank you :)

    I'm gonna try and find something red in my closet that will fit my growing pregnant belly!

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    - Kate :)

  8. I needed this reminder today. I'm trying to get back on track with my eating habits and finding it a bit of a challenge. :)

    Thanks! Now I'm going to go see what I have that's red.

    Have a great day!

  9. Debbie,

    Having heart disease...I can tell you that being dependent on someone else is my primary concern. You hit the nail right on the head! I try to maintain all of the disciplines that you mentioned. Thank you for this post, my friend. Good stuff here!

    Blessings to you! Thank you for being concerned for me...however, it was just computer problems! ugh! lol


  10. Debbie,

    Thanks for this GREAT info.! I "skipped" my workout this morning...got up late. I am going to fit it in anyway!

    Thanks for your kind comments, Sister! I was having problems posting today (see what happens when you get up late???). I don't know if you had a chance to read the complete post. Wanted to invite you back to finish it....

    WOW! Kids can memorize scripture! How WONDERFUL to have Romans part of your memory growing up!

    Blessings, dear Sister!

  11. Hey, Debbie!

    So glad you came back...

    AND PLEASE, don't apologize for a long comment- I LOVE reading your comments!

    When I was reading your comment, I thought about you as a "Spiritual Mama." I have written different posts on this. You are mothering many through your Sunday School/VBS teaching and blogging.

    One VERY emotional day when a small group of close friends and I were going through Beth Moore's "Breaking Free," they reminded me of Proverbs 31:30 "Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised." and then verse 28, "Her children arise and called her blessed." (Can you tell what I was dealing with?) God opened my eyes to BEAUTY- loving HIM and living for HIM...and then He opened my eyes to all of my "children" (2 of whom were sitting there with me!)- my spiritual daughters. Women who came to a relationship with the Lord because He had worked THROUGH ME! How humbling that was.

    I love Lisa Bevere. She speaks on this a lot. (Messenger International).

    Anyway, now I have written a HUGE comment on your post! Sorry!:)

    Blessings, sweet Sister!

  12. Thanks for the reminder, I did wear read today.

  13. I did indeed wear red today. I don't wear red often as it was Matthew's favorite color - but I am thankful for it to represent LIFE! :)

    Off to read your links.

  14. We have a history of some heart disease in our family. Both of my parents have been in for heart cath's in the last year. Both has minor blockages that were dealt with. In addition, my mother has a bicuspid, aortic valve (sp?) which means she has two flaps instead of three. I've been tested and don't have the same problem, but I've been more aware of my need to look for risk factors in my own life because of it.

    Love your Friday encouragement (although now currently Saturday). Had a better week of exercise and nutrition.

    Enjoy your Saturday.


  15. Thanks for all the awesome info Debbie. I found you through Elaine at peace for the journey. And based on your comment on 2 Corinthians 1 I want to invite you to join my carnival on Tuesday. Getting your thoughts would be a blessing (whether a post or a comment). Have a great weekend!

  16. Happy Sunday, my friend. Hugs to you!

  17. Hi Debbie,
    This is an important post. Thanks for the great info. Hugs!

  18. Hi~ I missed being aware of wear Red on Friday (I'm behind on blog reading!) - but wanted to jump in and say how much your posts encourage me to do what I know I need to do to keep my body healthy!

    I'm just having a hard time finding the time to do it all... mother well, wife well, keep the house clean, laundry caught up, cook meals, look nice, serve where the Lord has placed me, AND excercise. Everyday, one or two of these things go by the wayside while I do the rest. But I'm plugging along - thanks to your encouragement!

    Blessings to you today... and thanks!

  19. Can't remember what I wore on Friday...hmmm, but I do want to thank you for this post. I need to remember to come over here more often. I am always looking for ways to stay in shape. Thanks for taking the time to post this.

  20. Debbie,

    Good morning, sweet sister! Wanted you to know that my hubby and I took a walk last night at 8:30 pm and while I was walking I kept hearing your name run through my brain so I decided you must need a prayer...I love that God speaks to us that way and brings us to the mind of others if for no other reason than to lift us up even if we don't know it ourselves.

    He is awesome...and so are you!

    Happy Wednesday!


I love to read your comments! I know you have something to share so join in the conversation. And thank you for taking the time.

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