Heart Choices: 2009-05-31 -->

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Then Sings My Soul Saturday ~ Alone in His Presence

It's Then Sings My Soul Saturday. I join with Amy of Signs, Miracles and Wonders where we post a song that has impacted us this week. You can link there to visit other participating blogs.

This week I chose CeCe Winans singing "Alone in His Presence". I love this song and the lyrics. I've discovered that for me, it's vital that I spend time alone daily with the Lord.

When I take this time, it's His patience, His strength, His wisdom and His love that flows out of me. Even my husband notices the difference in my attitude. We work together so we spend lots of time together. There have been times when Greg asks me if I had my quiet time yet. He encourages me to do this daily because he sees the difference the Lord makes in my life.

I hope you enjoy this song as much as I do.


Fitness Friday ~ No More Excuses

No more excuses! It's too hot outside. It's too cold. It's raining. I'm too busy. I'm too tired. Later, later, later! Believe me. I've heard them all and even ...used them all myself at one time or another.

I have some info for you that could help. And you don't even have to spend money on a healthclub membership or expensive equipment that only tends to gather dust. You know what I'm talking about. I ordered that Ab cruncher from TV too.

The American Heart Association is a reliable organization as far as I'm concerned. They've joined together with Exercise TV and Walk at Home creator Leslie Sansone to produce a series of videos.

Start! Walking at Home is available three ways!

  • FREE if you have ExerciseTV On Demand. Available to digital cable subscribers on demand at ExerciseTV, Category: Start Walking.
  • Own the DVD! Purchase online at exercisetv.tv/startwalking.
  • Download the workouts to your computer or portable device. Go to exercisetv.tv/startwalking.

This is a great opportunity to access some wonderful resources for free to get you started exercising. And if you're already in the habit of going for a daily walk, this might be a good alternative for those rainy days. (We don't know anything about that in Phoenix, but HOT ...YES!)

So, on this Fitness Friday why not make the choice to do something today to take care of your heart and your health? NO MORE EXCUSES!

And while you're in a Fitness Friday mood, be sure to hop over to Sandy's God Speaks Today. Sandy is still on vacation at the beach (poor baby). But you won't be disappointed. She has a guest blogger and her Fitness Friday post is one you won't want to miss.

Heleen is from South Africa. Gosh, blogging makes the world a bit smaller, doesn't it? No borders in bloggy world and it's so easy to reach out and touch! How cool is that?

Heleen shares her story of overcoming bulemia and compulsive overeating. She is so overjoyed that she wants to share her story with others. So, don't miss out and get on over there now.

I'm adding one more link to my Fitness Friday post. My good friend Lisa Shaw has posted an excellent 2 minute vlog that you won't want to miss. She speaks about fitness but also about how women view themselves. No more put downs; you are God's precious child. So, take the time to listen to Lisa, please.


Thankful Thursday ~ Spiritual Sweet Tooth

It's Thankful Thursday and I'm late in writing my thankful post. Laurie of Women Taking a Stand is hosting and the theme she has chosen for this week is ...spiritual sweet tooth.

Oh my, don't those desserts look yummy? I think I snagged that photo from House Beautiful. Sweets have become a temptation for me lately. At least the kind that is chocolate. Come to think of it ...anything with sugar.

However, I know that's not the kind of sweet tooth Laurie is referring to.

Psalm 119:103 says, "How sweet are your words to
my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth."

Instead of grabbing something sweet when I feel stressed or cranky or tired, I am so thankful I have another place to run. And I won't feel guilty for overindulging. In fact, I can spend as much time as I am able and I know I'll leave ...feeling better.

How good does that sound? It's a sweet time when I spend time with the Lord. I share my innermost feelings and longings and I sometimes tattle on others. But only God gets to hear. I'd rather do that than be tempted to gossip and complain. As I talk to God in prayer, I know He listens. How thankful I am to be called a child of God! What a privilege to come before Him and know that He loves me!

How can I not feel thankful? Who needs all of those sweets anyway? Well, maybe once in a while is fine. But my spiritual sweet tooth is only satisfied ...by my relationship with Christ.

How about you? How do you satisfy your sweet tooth?

You can link to Laurie's blog to participate in Thankful Thursday or simply find other participating blogs to read today.


Do You Suffer From Information Overload Syndrome?

Have you heard about Information Overload Syndrome?

It seems as though life has changed. Everyone seems to be so busy! Between texting, email, social networks, blogging ...how does anyone have a real life?

So, go ahead and watch this video, OK?

I hope you found it funny! I have to give Xerox kudos for this very creative and entertaining video. They are trying to engage people with their product and I have to say that can be a challenge. But I will now remember Xerox for this video and ...I'll talk to others about it.

But it does highlight a potential problem in our society. Have we become overteched? Do you think it's becoming a problem? How about your children? Are they still having normal social interactions with others face to face? Is there unnecessary focus on Information Overload Syndrome?

I invite you to add your comments. You can access the video on YouTube to send to others, if you like.

Too Busy For God?

Are you too busy for God? Now before you answer, consider the following questions:
  • Do you find yourself running from activity to activity trying to complete your to-do list?
  • Do you agree to help out with so many good causes, that you find it hard to make dinner and keep your house orderly?
  • Do you ever find yourself keeping the TV on in the background at home but end up getting caught up in the talk shows and another hour has gone by?
  • Do you find there's constant noise and activity throughout your day?
  • Do you say your prayers in your car because you can't seem to carve out time to sit long enough to really listen to what God may have to say to you?

I love Joyful Toons. This cartoon says so much about spending time with God ...or not.

We can find ourselves distracted by so many things in this world. And not all of those things are wasteful activities. Many may be good things. Many may be things we do in God's name.

But is the desire of our hearts to really know Him? Do you really want to hear His voice? I wrote another post last week about hearing the voice of God. You can link here to read it.

In order to grow in any relationship, you need to spend time together.

So, pour a cup of tea, coffee or your favorite beverage and find a place where you'll be alone and talk to God and ...listen.

Maybe you have to set your alarm so you wake up a bit earlier than your children or before you have to get ready for work. It may only be a short time to begin with. But start with some time each day.

  • Ask the Lord for direction for your day.
  • Give Him your to-do list and ask for the time to complete what He has for you this day.
  • Submit your day to Him asking for His strength and guidance.
  • Ask for His wisdom to discern whether an interruption is a distraction or something sent from Him.

There may not be enough hours in the day to complete your to-do list. There may not be enough time to be super Mom, wife, daughter, sister, or friend.

Just start by submitting this day to the Lord. Allow Him to work in and through you to impact others He has for you ...in this season of your life.


Sunday Morning Ministries

For those people who may be sick or for some reason can't get to church on Sunday, I want to share a few resources that I've found valuable.

Brent Riggs posts a short message based on Scripture every Sunday morning. You can either listen online or simply read the message. Brent gets right to the point and tells it like it is. I like that about him. BTW, he's Abby's daddy (I have "Pray for Abby" on my sidebar) and he's also the editor of Serious Life, a free online Christian magazine.
If you want to hear some good Bible teaching verse by verse, you must check out Scott Samter's teachings. Scott's wife Jill of the blog Forever n Ever n Always downloads his messages after his teachings on Monday nights. I'm so glad to have the opportunity to listen in ...to learn and grow.

I also enjoy listening to a good sermon by Dr. Charles Stanley. Don't live in Atlanta? No problem. Just link to In Touch Ministries and you'll be able to listen and watch at your convenience and even download sermon notes.

Although I love to attend church and to worship with others, there are times when it's not possible to do. We are so blessed in America with an abundance of online resources. So take advantage of them! I often go to church and still check out these sites.

Please feel free to share other resources in the comments below. I love to hear about others too. Happy Sunday!

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