Heart Choices: Then Sings My Soul Saturday ~ Alone in His Presence -->

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Then Sings My Soul Saturday ~ Alone in His Presence

It's Then Sings My Soul Saturday. I join with Amy of Signs, Miracles and Wonders where we post a song that has impacted us this week. You can link there to visit other participating blogs.

This week I chose CeCe Winans singing "Alone in His Presence". I love this song and the lyrics. I've discovered that for me, it's vital that I spend time alone daily with the Lord.

When I take this time, it's His patience, His strength, His wisdom and His love that flows out of me. Even my husband notices the difference in my attitude. We work together so we spend lots of time together. There have been times when Greg asks me if I had my quiet time yet. He encourages me to do this daily because he sees the difference the Lord makes in my life.

I hope you enjoy this song as much as I do.

Debbie Petras
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  1. Those quiet times with the Lord really do make a big difference! Thanks for sharing the lovely song.

  2. Beautiful song.. the video was lovely. Thanks for sharing

  3. Another favorite song of mine. Thanks for the encouragement.

  4. very inspiring! it's nice to have that "alone moment wiht the Lord" amidst inspiring and soothing music. :)


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