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BlogThings ~ A Fun Place To Visit

Do you enjoy taking short quizzes? I'm not talking about tests like we had to take in school. These are things like personality tests, or intelligence tests or simply finding out what season are you. I find them fun ...but not always so accurate.

BlogThings is a site where you'll find lots of quizzes. Some of them I wouldn't bother with but a few are quite interesting. How about this one? Wouldn't you be intrigued?

"What's your gift? What makes you who you are? Discover your special gift with this quiz."

I don't think this has anything to do with spiritual gifts.

Here's how mine came out as:

Your Gift is Intellect

You are a big thinker, and you're always playing with new ideas.

You are curious about the world. You enjoy learning and developing new theories.

You enjoy researching, analyzing, and solving problems. Thinking hard feels good!

You're the type of person who finds most mental tasks to be easy. You love to stretch your brain.

Why not click and find out?
I'd love to know if you think it's accurate.
I guess I really want to know if intellect is mine. LOL.
Debbie Petras
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  1. Hmmm - for me it said 'energy'...lol. It's very funny since I'm on the sofa all day...lol.

  2. This is great! I love things like this. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Debbie,

    I'm totally addicted to taking these silly quizzes on Facebook!
    I think it's funny in one way but sometimes they do peg me pretty well. lol

    Happy Monday, my friend and as always...I appreciate and was so touched by your kind words of encouragement.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Okay I had to play along. Mine was this:
    Your Gift is Imagination
    You are constantly dreaming. You are always thinking about what could be.
    You love to express yourself in many ways. You have a way with words and tell vivid stories.

    You love to be amused. You are good entertaining yourself, and other people find you hilarious.
    You're the type of person who finds staying happy easy. There's always fun to be had!

    That's pretty accurate! LOL.

  6. Yours fit you. Mine said energy. I say that as I yawn (smile).


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