Heart Choices: In Other Words Tuesdays ~ Who's In Charge? -->

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In Other Words Tuesdays ~ Who's In Charge?

It's "In Other Words Tuesdays" and Karen of In Love WITH Jesus is our host this week. You can visit there to find other participating blogs.

Karen has chosen the following quote for this week:

When I read this quote, I immediately thought of Peter Marshall. He was the Scottish-born minister who became Chaplain of the US Senate. He died at a young age in 1949. I thought of Peter Marshall because I remember reading his widow Catherine Marshall's book "A Man Called Peter" years ago. Peter Marshall always referred to God as His Chief and Commander. That stood out in my mind after all these years.

But how many of us allow God to occupy ALL of us? I may believe I allow Him access to all, but then I'm reminded of an area that may be hidden to others. It's easy to make excuses, especially if you evaluate your life by how other's live. But as a Christian, our measure is Jesus and ... not other people.

There have been times when I've invited the Holy Spirit to search my heart, mind and entire being and to convict me of anything that is not pleasing to Him. It's amazing because over time, the closer I grow to Him, the more He reveals to me. I guess if it all happened at once ... I'd probably give up.

But all I need to do is the surrender part. He can then have full access and do ...His work in and through me.

I'm amazed by that. It's only been recently that I've understood better what entering the rest of God really is. I thought I was being lazy. But my own works that often wear me out don't really count in eternity. It's what He does in me and then through me that will last.

So, I do want Him to be the Commander and Chief in my life. How about you?

Debbie Petras
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  1. Yes, I want Him to be in total control of my life sweetie.

  2. We can fool other people that God has full access to us but we can't fool Him. Full access means just that, its way to easy to hold back even in areas we didn't realize we were. Thanks for sharing today.

  3. Me too :)

    Awesome quote today!

    I hope you are having a great week!

    Sweet Blessings,
    Kate :)

  4. "as a Christian, our measure is Jesus and ... not other people." I liked what you said here. If we lived that way, our lives would be less about us and more about Him.

  5. That prayer of surrender is powerful. I'm always amazed what the Holy Spirit finds when I invite Him in!

  6. Great post Debbie. So often we say we want God to be in control of our lives, but we keep little compartments locked away with "DO NOT TOUCH" signs on the doors.

    I pray all of us would completely surrender everything to Him -- even our dreams.

    Bless you,

  7. I think everyone who is a Christians would say, "Of course I want him to be commander in Chief of my life!"

    The problem is, he often leads where the troops do not want to follow. There are some "battlefield" issues, like forgiving and serving, that get in the way!

    But, like you said, over time, with continuing to submit our hearts, we will follow him anywhere.

    Good post.

  8. Amen sister! I am trusting He is totally in control in my new life abroad! Thanks for following along with our Hong Kong journey and your encouraging words! This would be a very lonely and scary experience without all my blogger friends cheering me on! Blessings, Kim

  9. Dear Debbie,
    I am an old lady, and only these last weeks I've learned to say, "Lord, I pray for what I wish; please give me what I need."
    Growing up is a slow process.
    I cannot say that I have reached the goal, but I try stopping delivering God shopping lists. Instead I pray that each and every one of my loved ones and prayer children may get what they need.
    It's a good think that God want us to stay in steadily contact with him.
    We are encouraged to always be praying.
    I'm afraid I sometimes have been acting as commander in chief instead of a humble disciple.

    Old dogs CAN learn new tricks.
    I'm a proof on that..so far.
    From Felisol

  10. Powerful quote by D. Jeremiah and I enjoyed the challenge of your message dear sister.

    Who's in charge? THE LORD always.

    Love you.

  11. "It's what He does in me and then through me that will last."

    Amen, sister. Trees don't grow fruit by straining, but by being - by abiding, and drawing up water and nourishment from the Source. And that's how the fruit of the Spirit grow, from our abiding in Him and in His Words. Just rest there!

  12. "It's what He does in me and then through me that will last." I once had a pastor whose favorite saying was: "I make the choice; God makes the change."

    I ask God daily to search my heart, mind, and soul for anything that is unpleasing to Him (Psalm 139:23-24), yet I also tend to try to "fix things" myself. Thank you for your encouragement to allow the real Commander and Chief to do his work through me.

    Denise Hughes :)


I love to read your comments! I know you have something to share so join in the conversation. And thank you for taking the time.

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