Heart Choices: Asking For Prayer -->

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Asking For Prayer

I am sending out a prayer request to my fellow bloggers. I just received a phone call from the hospital and my friend Jeanie's new husband has taken a turn for the worst. You can read my previous post by clicking here. I am so thankful for the many bloggers who have been praying for Duane, even though you've never met him.

Jeanie has been a leader in my church in the women's ministry and she chaired the leadership committee for the annual Woman to Woman Conference that is held in Phoenix. She's worked tirelessly for so many years on this conference. This picture is of Jeanie with Lysa TerKeurst, who was our excellent keynote speaker this year.

For various reasons, this conference was our last but that's when Jeanie met Duane. Each of them had been single for many years. We teased Jeanie that she had been married to the conference for all those years and now the Lord provided her with a new and exciting adventure ... as Duane's wife. We were so excited for her. Their wedding was held on Friday, November 17th which is just over four weeks ago.

Duane's surgery had been scheduled following their return from the honeymoon. But little did they realize the sequence of events that would occur. After an unexpected cardiac arrest last week, Duane has hung in there despite several additional surgeries to correct problems. Jeanie's daughters flew in to sit with her and offer encouragement. But Jeanie hated to leave Duane's side.

I just received a phone call from the hospital and Rhonda asked that I send out word to anyone who is willing to pray. The situation has become worse and they don't expect Duane to live.

So, I am sending out the word and thanking you in advance for praying. Duane is a Christian and his life is in the Lord's hands right now. We are trusting for God's will and that He would provide Jeanie with His strength and comfort at this most difficult time.
Debbie Petras
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  1. Oh Debbie,

    I am praying right now. I am so sorry to hear this news. It is absolutely heart breaking!

    I am on my knees right now lifting them both up in my prayers.

    Lord, I pray that you wrap Jeannie and Duane in your arms of love, comfort, healing ,protection and provision. God we beg you to save Duane. But if you take him, Lord I pray that you will fill the huge gaps he will leave in the lives of all who love him... especially Jeannie.

    In your name... amen.

  2. I am praying my friend. I can not imagine the pain and uncertainty compared to the hope for the future they had. God is in control.

  3. I just stopped by and I am praying for your friend and hubby.

    I am sorry to hear such sad news.

  4. I pray for him and his family.

  5. Oh Debbie, I will be praying for them.

  6. Sorry to hear about Jeanie and Duane. I will pray for them, too. Lysa Tereurst's prayer is so beautiful.

  7. I'm praying for this family. Thanks for sharing the request.

  8. Debbie,

    I'm so sad to hear he has taken a turn for the worse...I will be praying.

  9. Thank you so much for your prayers for Jeanie and Duane. Lysa- what a thoughtful prayer. I printed out all of your responses and gave them to Jeanie last evening. She was so grateful. Duane is still holding his own. His bleeding has stopped! Last evening the surgeon said that he was stable at the moment but certainly not out of the woods. This is an answer to prayer so keep on praying. I will update you as I get more news.

  10. We have been praying since we first heard about Duane and Jeannie and we will continue to do so. Blessings from Costa Rica

  11. I am praying for Jeannie and Duane.
    I personally know what a wonderful person Jeannie is, a woman of faith. But still, I know she needs the prayers of Christian brothers and sisters. In times like these, it is often hard to pray for your own needs, sometimes becoming so physically and emotionally drained - I continue to pray.

  12. Debbie,

    I'm so sorry to hear this news. I was truly praying that your update would be Duane is going to be fine.

    Please let me/us know how he is doing.

    I'm so sorry for Jeannie. I can't imagine this is causing her heart - God has a wonderful plan even with this trial. Oh Lord, we beg You to intervene on Jeannie's behalf for Duane's life. Father, if it be Your will - hold Him in Your capable hands and make things right. We ask that You cover them in peace that goes beyond understanding and give them strength to see this trial to the end - no matter where it leads - because You Father are good all of the time. Your mercy endures forever and we ask for it today for Jeannie and Duane. We love You Jesus and thank You for hearing our prayers in Your blessed name. Amen!

    Hugs Debbie,

  13. I just wanted to post an update on Duane's condition. Jeanie thanks you all for your prayers. Duane is now alert! That is an answer to prayer. He is able to respond and knows his new wife. :) His kidneys are starting to function and they have decreased his dialysis. Since he still needed to be on the ventilator, the surgeon performed a tracheostomy which isn't unusual for these circumstances. He will need to go back into surgery within a week to 10 days to remove the pancreas but they want him to be stronger.

    Jeanie said to tell everyone that God is working a miracle in this situation and she's very hopeful. Please continue to pray as this will be a long process.


I love to read your comments! I know you have something to share so join in the conversation. And thank you for taking the time.

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