Heart Choices: Ordinary Christians ~ Extraordinary God -->

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Ordinary Christians ~ Extraordinary God

It's In Other Words Tuesday and our host is Jennifer of Scraps and Snippets.

Jennifer chose the following quote for us to write about today:

Have you ever seen a very smart or dynamic person and thought if only they became a Christian God could use them in such a mighty way?

I know I've thought that before. 

But the spiritual viewpoint is usually upside down from what seems to make human sense to me. 

(Photo Credit: Tina Kerski)

It's when I finally come to the end of myself that I can be be used by God for His purposes. 

You see, my flesh gets in the way.  I think of all the wonderful things I could do for God.  But what He asks me to do is to crucify my flesh.  On this side of eternity, I will continue to struggle to some degree.  But my desire is to come to the end of Debbie and allow God to do His work in me and through me.

God can do extraordinary things through ordinary Christians.

  • God chose to use David, a lowly shepherd over Saul as King of Israel.

  • God chose to use an ordinary girl named Mary to be the mother of Jesus.

  • God chose to use Peter, an uneducated fisherman to preach a mighty sermon on the day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit came upon them.
God delights in using the humble, lowly, ordinary people who recognize that they have nothing to offer in themselves. 

I've not read the book "Radical" by David Platt from which this quote was taken.

However, I've read a few reviews that were very positive.  From what I understand, David Platt has written about how the modern day church has surrendered to the American dream instead of living a life of surrender to the Lord.

Are you willing to leave behind luxuries to live out the Great Commission?

I'll have to read the book before sharing any more but it sounds intriguing to me.

I pray that I will see more ordinary Christians making the heart choice to trust our extraordinary God. 

And I pray that it will begin with me.

Blessings and love,

Debbie Petras
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  1. AMEN! Coming to full surrender!

    Love you,

  2. I am making the choice to trust...

    That book sounds very interesting...this statement caught my eye...

    "how the modern day church has surrendered to the American dream instead of living a life of surrender to the Lord."

  3. This is the second post I have read on this quote...I needed it.


  4. Debbie...I have had those same thoughts about "Oh, they could do so much for the Lord..." God has really been teaching me the truths in your post lately...that He chooses the simple and the ordinary to show His power.

    Looking forward to reading your thoughts on Radical after you read it! It definitely hit me right between the eyes. :)

    Thanks for sharing today! (And Mr. Linky is ready to link now. :))

  5. it's so true that the spiritual view is the opposite of the human view of life. One of the things I love is that God does use the ordinary and does extraordinary things when their lives are yielded. You gave examples that I often think of, David, Mary and Peter.

    This is a great challenge Debbie, and I too want to be one of those ordinary people that God is using as I yield to Him.

    Love you,


  6. Excellent post. I need to think on this some more. It's very hard to surrender sometimes, isn't it. But truly that is my desire too.

  7. Rejoicing that God truly CAN do wonderful things through ordinary touched by His glory me!

    Hugs to you friend,

  8. Yes, it is when we get ourselves "out of the way" there is room for God to truly use us!

    Living for Him, Joan

  9. Once again....same heart's desires as you Debbie... (and OH! I am such an ordinary person)...but more than ever thanking the Lord Who made me....knows my heart's desires....that as I let God USE me, I don't mind being so ordinary... I want this kind of lifestyle. Thanks again for the heart notes... we're all in this together.

    Carol Joy

  10. Great post Debbie! God does amazing things with our lives when we get out of the way!!!

  11. This is a truth I hang on to. Otherwise the enemy would convince me I'm unworthy to be used by the Lord.

  12. An army of ordinary Christians can accomplish so much more than a few extraordinary Christians. May we remember to do our part in our own corners of the world and trust God to use us in the most effective way. Thanks Debbie!

  13. Boy if that wasn't the truth. Our flesh does get in the way. What a sad thing to think what extra ordinary things we are blocking simply because we haven't got to where God can use us!

  14. Oh amen to all you say here Debbie...Just an ordinary woman. How many times have I thought that to myself. What do I really have to offer? Sooo ordinary ~ nothing overly creative, or talented, or special really. And yet our God is the extraordinary one...with EVERYTHING to offer and give. We have to only be willing to be used by Him...Praise God for that. Have a wonderful week. HUGS, Debbie

  15. Dear Debbie,
    I have to admit, that I often feel like a less than ordinary Christian.
    I have this wicked temptation of hurting people with words and regretting soaringly afterward.
    I actually pray "deliver me from evil and from being evil".
    The devil often enough tells me I am unworthy.
    Jesus calls me his own, and carries my cross.
    I've often said, I'm looking forward to meeting Peter at the pearly gate.
    I know he'll understand too.

    Once again I'm blessed with Romans 3
    Righteousness Through Faith
    21But now a righteousness from God, apart from law, has been made known, to which the Law and the Prophets testify. 22This righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference, 23for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.

  16. Amen a thousand times over! Surrender is the beginning of the Lord being able to really work in us and our lives. I wish I would have figured that our a LONG time ago! Which is why I always say, "Grace was invented because the Lord know when He brought me to life I was gonna be a handful!"

    Be blessed this week sweet Debbie!

  17. So often we let fear take over and don't fully trust God to work in us and through us. When I stop and think about it, there really is no such thing as an "ordinary Christian." Because of an extraordinary God, all Christians should be living out extraordinary lives.


I love to read your comments! I know you have something to share so join in the conversation. And thank you for taking the time.

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