Heart Choices: TSMSS ~ Alone in His Presence -->

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TSMSS ~ Alone in His Presence

It's Then Sings My Soul Saturday and I'm linking up with Amy of Signs, Miracles and Wonders.

I awakened this morning to the sound of rain and this song in my head.  So of course, I knew I needed to share it with you for TSMSS.  Right now this is where I am in my spiritual walk.  I long to be alone in His presence.  It's a great place to be.

I encourage you to take some time to be alone in His presence today.  You will be blessed.

Blessings and love,

Debbie Petras
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  1. Debbie, what a beautiful post. Thank you for sharing.

    Have a blessed day.


  2. Thanks for introducing me to this song, Debbie. I've never heard it, but it's just what I need. My family is near Phoenix today and I opted to hang back at the hotel for some "alone time" with the Lord while they go exploring. I've just gotta have some time!

    These lyrics are so true:
    "When I'm alone with you, My soul learns worship. In Spirit and in truth, For the glory of your name."

    Thanks for blessing me today, again!

  3. What a beautiful song! Thanks for sharing and I soaked in His presence while it played!

    Love you!

  4. Right there with you Debbie!!!

    Love CeCe and could not believe that I did not have this one... I've been sharing many of her songs from her compilation of Songs of Emotional Healing. Adding this one to them.

    It's a rainy day down here also, hope it drops the heat some. Praying for you & your dear friend Lori's family.(shared over at The Lighthouse of Prayer a link to you)

    Hope as yo are alone in His Presence, soaking in how much He loves you, that you sense an awesome power come over you and He fills you with joy & peace.

    Bless you my friend,

  5. I think I am going to put some CiCi on right now.....

    Do you still work as a cardiac nurse? I am going to email you some questions....

    Happy Saturday


  6. This was a beautiful song I haven't heard it before. Thanks for sharing.
    Have a Blessed Day,
    BTW I am having some giveways come by.

  7. Wonderful lyrics, so true.
    In His presence is the very
    best place to be. There we
    find everything we need.
    Thanks for sharing such a
    beautiful song that is new
    to me.

  8. Thank you for sharing the beautiful song with the beautiful slide show! This morning I felt His presence as Roy and I hiked the trail on Hood Mountain, CA. There was a clearing that we came to that was full of wild blackberries and they were perfectly ripe. As I tasted them, I was emotional realizing that God had created them for us and all His creatures to enjoy. It was a little thing, really...but touched me as I realized God was all around us. Thanks again for sharing the beautiful song.

    Living for Him, Joan

  9. How true, alone in His presence is a great place to be! Thanks for sharing the beautiful song, Debbie.

  10. You've placed a new song in my heart. "Alone in his presence."
    This was actually what I did this evening. I walked with Gunnar to the uttermost cod here on our shores.
    While hubby went around taking pix, I just sat there on the naked rock, midst in the wonders of God, the the seagulls, the flood tide and the wind, feeling the Almighty's presence.

    Oh, Debbie, "never will He leave nor forsake us."
    I feel strengthened and blessed.
    Pray you'll have a wonderful Sunday in the presence of the Lord.

    P.S. Short before midnight I made my favorite comfort food; waffles. My mother taught me last week how to succeed with sour cream and baking soda.
    Imagine; I was 60 before I managed to make waffles on my own. They tasted wonderful with strawberries....

  11. I don't know this song. Thanks for sharing.

  12. What an easy song to listen to and I agree that the alone time with Jesus is oh so necessary. Nice rain up north here today also! Thanks for your loving comment.

  13. So calming...So comforting...to be in His presence...That is a beautiful song! I closed my eyes as I listened to it and the fatigue from last night's work melted away! God bless you sister.

  14. Love CeCe and this song is absolutely beautiful and inspires one to be alone with God. Thanks, Debbie.

  15. good morning
    that was so peaceful
    thank you for sharing it

  16. Amen! You've been on my mind this past week. I've been praying for you.

  17. Amen...the absolutely best place to be is alone in His presence...

    This is a new song for me, too...

  18. thanks for sharing debbie. i just love
    everything cece sings!


  19. Oh, what a beautiful song, Debbie. Yes, in His presence it is the best place to be.

    Love & peace,
    <>< Iris

  20. What a great choice, Debbie! Such a pretty song, and voice!

  21. I have to believe this is that "best part" that Mary chose over Martha. It's where the wisdom resides, and the joy.

    In His presence is where everything we ever wanted, or will want, are stored.

    So glad to share life with you, friend ... in His presence.


  22. Amen dear friend!!!

    Thinking of and praying for you!!!

    Nothing like the precious alone time in the Presence of GOD.

    Love you! Remain in His arms of care!

  23. Debbie this is truly a beautiful post. Thank you for sharing. Blessings, JBR

  24. Nice post Debbie - thanks for sharing!

    Wishing you a lovely rest of the week :-)


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