Heart Choices: Be Your Unique Self -->

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Be Your Unique Self

It's In Other Words Tuesday. Our host for this week is Deborah of Chocolate & Coffee. She chose the following quote for us today:

After years of trying to figure myself out, I've given up.

I've taken personality tests.

When I took the Myers Brigg test, I came out as equally extroverted and introverted. I could have told them. I like people but I also need time alone. Too much of one or the other and I'm not in my ...happy place.

I attended CLASS (Christian Leaders, Authors and Speakers Seminars) one year with the Littauer's. We each had to take their Personality Test as part of the conference. My dominant type was a popular sanguine but I'm almost equally a peaceful phlegmatic. I guess it depends on what I'm going through in my life.

Several years ago, my husband needed me to help out in his company. I really didn't want to sit at the computer all day learning about social media and tools like Twitter and social networks. But in the process ...I discovered blogging!

If I had insisted on doing what I wanted to do, I would have missed out on a wonderful opportunity of growth and learning.

You see the Lord knows me better than I do. After all, He created me (El Elohim) and sees everything about me (El Roi). God knew exactly what I needed to learn and what I do best.

Helping my husband is honoring him and showing love to him. After all, Greg's love language is acts of service. When I help him, he feels loved by me. BTW, he's always thanking me for my help. :)

In my obedience, the Lord has blessed me with awesome blogging friends. I've even had the opportunity to meet several of them including:

I get to interact with these wonderful ladies online and occasionally meet them in real life too. How much better does it get?

I may not fit into a perfect gift box but I am becoming the woman God created me to be. I find such joy when I have the opportunity to encourage others and share from my heart. Only God knew ...

He's not finished with me yet. And I have to say I'm very grateful for that.

I almost forgot to tell you that I'm over at Laced with Grace today too. I wrote on the topic of ...focus.

With so many challenges and distractions in life today, it's important to remember where our focus should be. I hope you'll stop by and add your comments.

Blessings and love,

Debbie Petras
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  1. You are precious my friend, love you.

  2. I am so glad that you started blogging :) - Like you said "who knew" - He did :)

    I am thrilled that I was able to meet you in person last year too :)...

    I am looking forward reading your devotion in the morning before heading to work.

    Love & peace,

  3. I am thankful you found the world of blogging too, because I found you! You bless me every time I read!

  4. Great post! I so look forward to Saturday. Trust I'll see your smiling face.
    My focus got off me and off the challenges I face with the special needs of my daughter. It got back onto the track of thinkg on what I have seen and witnessed and heard in Him
    I'm back
    Cause that is WHO I AM
    as HE IS

  5. This was wonderful, Debbie! I'm so glad you started blogging, too...you are an inspiration to so many....

  6. Thanks for all the great blogs to visit...Headed there today.....

  7. I am on my way to becoming what God intended for me to be!

    I have met so many people since blogging!

    Amen! Thank you Debbie for sharing. Blessings.

  8. Glad that you discovered blogging :) I love reading your posts!

  9. Are you surprised that I am also sanguine & phlegmatic?? Too funny.

    I am so glad you discovered blogging! And so are the rest of those who visit you you here. God is using your life Debbie, to minister to each of us. You have a very clear, loving and unique way of sharing. You're walking His way in the middle of some real tests, and your walk is strong. I'm always excited to see your new postings.

    You are a 'gift' to me and I'm so happy I've met you.



  10. When I think of the time I spent when I was younger TRYING to figure out what my gifts were, or worse yet TRYING to fit myself into some kind of mold (that NEVER fit right)...SIGH.....Before I finally just settled into BEING me..This was a great post and I am with you on being soo glad God is NOT finished with me yet...OK, now I am going to pop over to GWL...Have a wonderful day Deb. Huga, Debbie

  11. Hugs, blogging has brought many many blessings into my life also. (for example YOU)

  12. Love how that all works. Too often we think we know what we want but we find there are other plans out there. Better plans than we can imagine. You've done well in the blogging world. Thanks for using your gift to bless others like me. Have a great day.

  13. Hi dear friend, What a lovely post-we must learn who we are in Jesus and you are beautiful in His sight. I'm thankful that I've gotten to know you online. You are very gifted and such an encourager. Have a great day.

  14. What impresses me about this post is you just did what was before you and God revealed, in His time, His plan for you. Thanks for this important lesson.

  15. Sweet, Debbie, I really enjoyed this post! I've taken all sorts of personality tests too. LOL! I love that, as Tami said, you just did what was put before you and God revealed in His time His plan for you.

    I wish I had such a wonderfully obedient heart like yours. I still struggle from time to time, but it's all a learning process as God teaches me as I daily go through life.

    I too am glad to have found you in the blogsphere! :-)

  16. I love it when God uses our obedience as an opportunity to give us something of great joy. Thanks for opening your heart.

  17. SAME as you Debbie! Same happy place!!!! (read that book on Spiritual Temperaments ages ago) Just when I think I want to be forever in the midst of people (I LOVE people)...I begin to crave my own space! I feel too that I am finding out more and more of my gifts that God has given me....talk ABOUT that work in progress, (oh yeah, that's me for sure!) Keep on putting these thoughtful heart-provoking blogs out there, it's a great encouragement for all of us to know we are in this process called life together.

    Carol Joy

  18. I love the bit about how you know how your hubbie feels loved by you - by what you do for him. People love and feel love in different ways and I think finding out the way your other half feels loved by you is very important in a relationship. And this applies not to romantic relationships but all relationships. My daughter feels I love her because I spend time and attention on her. etc etc . ;)

  19. I love how you focused on the personality tests you've taken over the years. I've taken these too. I find them interesting, yet, at the same time, God sometimes calls us to do something outside the box - so we'll trust in Him. It's so cool how blogging developed out of your willingness to help and serve your husband. What a wonderful testimony!

  20. Yes, I want to be what God has gifted me to be - after all, it is His gift to give. However, I must admit, I've spent alot of time trying to be "what I wanted to be." I've spent alot of time wishing I were more of this or that, more like this one or that one....not being satisfied with who I am. often beating myself up for "acting" the way I did, or saying what I said or didn't say. Oh, it's tiring. We just need to be who God created us to be.

  21. What you have described is me, and I have never heard anyone say they were like that before. I am both an extrovert and introvert, which seems so weird! Thanks for sharing and letting me know I am not the only one. Ironically, I just took a test 2 weeks ago with my Bible study gals and it left me unsettled because I did not fit the available boxes. It feel good to fit a box when they say you are supposed to after all! Today I ditched the box and God gave me your sweet posting to let me know I am just fine and I only place I need abide is in Him!
    Blessing on ya,

  22. You are such a sweet friend. Thank you for mentioning my blog. I have not been a very faithful blogger though... I need to work on this more. Blessings my friend.


I love to read your comments! I know you have something to share so join in the conversation. And thank you for taking the time.

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