Heart Choices: Thankful Thursday ~ Thank YOU! -->

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Thankful Thursday ~ Thank YOU!

I'm so glad it's Thankful Thursday. I've been sick (nothing serious) for the last week and so I haven't posted much. I've actually spent time resting, drinking lots of water and tea, reading, praying and spending time with my hubby. I've been trying not to spread my germs to others so I'm glad you won't get a virus from me online. Lol.

But this brings me to what I'm especially thankful for this week; YOU!

I am humbled by your comments on Monday's post. I cried as I read your prayers and words.

  • Lisa Shaw: She is such a kind, giving and loving person. I'm so glad I'm getting to know her better. She wrote a beautiful prayer and then even came back later in the day to check in on me.
  • Saleslady371: She lives in my state of Arizona! We are slowly getting to know one another and yet she wrote out a prayer of healing for me.
  • Letters from Midlife: I love getting to know Cindy. I too am in midlife and I enjoy reading her blog and especially her Grace Notes. She finds something good in everything.
  • Bp: This young woman is so mature in her walk with the Lord. I'm amazed at some of her writings as she teaches her son important truths. I have to say that at her age, I wasn't quite there yet.
  • Beth in NC: What can I say about Beth? I keep telling her she is a breath of fresh air to me! She is always adding her comments on Heart Choices and how thankful I am. Of course, she would pray for me. Thank you Beth!
  • Kikolani: Kristi lives right here in Phoenix but I've never met her in person ...yet. She is so encouraging and comforting to me and I so appreciate her and thank her.
  • Laurie M: She is so intelligent and thinks deeply and yet loves the Lord. I'm so grateful for her prayers and that she always shares her heart and thoughts.
  • God's Girl: She's another local blogger that I hope to meet in person. She is such a kind, compassionate and beautiful woman inside and out. Thank you for your prayers.
  • Michele Williams: Can you believe another Phoenix blogger? Yes, she is. Michele struggles with chronic illness and yet reaches out to pray when someone else isn't feeling well. Thank you Michele.
  • L-Jay: For some reason, I have such a soft spot for her. She lives in Tromso, Norway. If you don't know where that is ...it's near the Arctic Circle. She is a transplant from Australia but married her sweetie who is a Norwegian. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers.
  • Jottin Mama: She is one of our Fitness Friday Fanatics (although I haven't been very active this week.) I'm getting to know her and love her too. She's got a little one and another on the way. I appreciate your prayers.
  • Meg Wolff: She has overcome so many health obstacles in her life and writes about living a balanced life. She's a published author too! And yet she always takes time to visit Heart Choices and she's been praying for me.
  • Anna May: She is my real life friend here in Phoenix. I'm so grateful that she's open to learning about my blogging life too. She takes the time to read Heart Choices and is now adding comments too!! Believe me, she has lots to contribute. Thank you for your friendship and your prayers and I'm sorry I wasn't there on Sunday when you were saving me a seat.
  • Laurie Ann: Thank you for your prayers. She is such an excellent, intelligent and thoughtful bible teacher. You've got to check her blog out!
  • Felisol: What a beautiful heartfelt prayer she wrote for me! Felisol blogs from Norway. She lives in the area of Bergen, a place I have visited but before I knew her. She is a very creative, thoughtful woman and I'm so grateful and thankful for her.

Well, I guess I have much to be thankful for this week! I am slowly getting back to normal so I thank you for your prayers.

Please stop by Laurie at Women Taking a Stand to link with other participating bloggers on this Thankful Thursday.

Debbie Petras
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  1. I am thankful for you too, Debbie :) Your comments and posts always encourage me onward - in my walk with the Lord, in striving to live a healthy life, and so much more :)

    I'm glad you are feeling better! I'll continue praying :)

    Thanks for being you,
    Kate :)

  2. You always have such beautiful, encouraging words - you really do see the best in people.
    You are loved!

  3. I'm so glad you are feeling good enough to write. We appreciate you, too, Debbie, and all that you do for God's Kingdom.

  4. You are so loved, my friend! I'm humbled that you mentioned me when I am so thankful for YOU. Happy Thankful Thursday and prayers continue for your recovery!

  5. How sweet, Debbie, Thank you for your kind words, it is very humbling to read what you wrote about me.

    I'm glad you're on the mend. That's neat there are so many Arizona bloggers you've connected with!

  6. Debbie,

    I am so glad the Father brought these girls over to pray for you. It makes all the difference, doesn't it? And I'm glad you are feeling better.

    Blessings to you today!

  7. How beautiful to thank those and be thankful for those around you.

  8. Sweetie, I thank GOD that He always knows what we need and He makes sure to get it to us through whomever He chooses.

    I came over to see how you are doing. I am blessed to see that you are doing better and that in any way we were able to all be a help to you. I'm honored to pray for you. I love you.

    I haven't been online today other than for a brief time. I have so many people to visit but I'm going to have to wait until tomorrow. I just wanted to check on you because the Lord brought you to my sight.

    Love you.

  9. Dear Debbie,
    I'm so glad you are feeling better.
    You don't belong to the sort of people complaining for bagatelles, so I was worried. I bet the Lord was and is there right by your side, and that you'll come out of this strengthened.
    The honor belongs to him alone.
    Glad I was allowed to call upon him on the day of need.
    I'm so glad your hubby stood by you. He too seems to be a rock of strength.
    From Felisol

  10. Debbie, you've got a great bunch of friends! I'm glad you're doing better. Thanks for the sweet words. I sure did need them today.

  11. Your grateful, sweet heart shines through in all of your words. It's interesting to me.... all of the kind and descriptive words you wrote about your friends, seems true of you! Thank you for the very kind thank you! : ) I'm glad you are feeling better and I am so glad I had (and have) the privilege of praying for you.

    Have a fantastic Friday!

    Love you,

  12. Sorry you have not been well, love you.

  13. What a beautiful TT post. I am also so grateful for the many blogging friends that encourage me and lift me up in prayer. Happy TT! -Laurie

  14. I'm thankful for knowing you too! Your posts are always inspiring, and heartfelt, which is good to see in the blogging world. :)

    ~ Kristi

  15. Thank you for the kind words. Sometimes I feel like such a spiritual wimp and whiner so a lot of what I write is preaching to myself! lol!

  16. You are such a blessing! Thank you for thinking of me! We need to get together sometime!

  17. You have such a sweet heart. I am behind, it has been a crazy week. Praying you are doing well. Hugs.

  18. Such a wonderful post! Thanks for sharing.

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I love to read your comments! I know you have something to share so join in the conversation. And thank you for taking the time.

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