Heart Choices: Five Minute Friday ~ Join -->

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Five Minute Friday ~ Join

I'm participating in Five Minute Friday with Lisa-Jo of The Gypsy Mama.

Each week, Lisa-Jo gives us one word to write on for 5 minutes flat. It's been a great exercise for me to learn to gather my thoughts quickly.  Our word for this week is ...JOIN.


Sometimes it can be easier to sit on the sidelines.  To be an observer and not join in.

I think of the years when I didn't want to join a church.  It was easier to watch what I called Church TV each Sunday.  I could hear a positive uplifting message and be good for the week.  What I realized though is that I really wasn't growing in my faith.

The first time I attended my church, I sat on the back row not wanting to be noticed.  I had to check this out but wasn't sure about it.  Two ladies sat in that area and when the pastor asked us to greet one another, they immediately came over to me and reached out their hands.  They introduced themselves as Snow and Frost.  That was their last names and I could never forget their kind friendly faces.  I decided to come back the next Sunday and the next.  Each time Snow and Frost would be there looking for me.  When I missed a Sunday and came back the next, they told me they missed me.

So many people say they don't want to join a church.  After all, they are all a bunch of hypocrites they say.  But after joining myself, I realized that we all have our own pain and hurts and ways of dealing with them.

I gained so much by joining my church.

  • I learned from my pastor as he preached from the Bible
  • I became involved in the lives of others
  • I felt the love of other believers who prayed for me
  • I was able to worship God together with other believers
  • I was encouraged in my walk of faith

Blessings and love,

Debbie Petras
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  1. Good Morning, Debbie!

    I am so glad that you were not only able to join into a church community, but share that experience (on both sides) with others. What a blessing!

    Thanks for sharing your heart this morning,

  2. So true!! Im so glad you joined! I am encouraged by your words. May you have a blessed day!

  3. Dear Debbie, Hi-I've been thinking about you a lot girl. I know school is starting again and praying you are blessed so much by your new little ones. I so related to this post-you know I would. It is hard when we are alone in a church but you have encouraged me to reach out more.
    Hugs today.

  4. I love the names of your seat-mates, Snow and Frost. God has a sense of humor, He must have chuckled when He put those two together.

    I wrote about church membership, too. It's the first thing I thought of when I saw the word, Join.

  5. Great post! How great that you found a church home!

  6. Joining a new church and joining in the ministry of a church has it's challenge. So thankful someone reached out to you and welcomed you in. What a blessing!

  7. What delightful names - Snow and Frost! I loved reading this story.

  8. This makes me think about a conversation I had with a lady while out walking this evening. We pass each other during our walks. She finally ambled over to my side of the street tonight to officially introduce herself. The conversation turned to the fact that my husband is a pastor, and she said she'd like to visit our church. I'm praying she'll "join" us this Sunday and then again and again. Snow and Frost. Love them, and I don't even know them.


  9. good for you for joining a faith community!! my church has been a constant in my life , pointing the way to try and always do the right thing...I feel like I owe I owe...
    I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.

  10. Debbie
    A community of faith is such a blessing in so many ways, isn't it? Good post.

  11. Hi dear FB friend, I'm glad that I see you more over on FB since I miss connecting in blogging...getting back in the swing now.

    I have enjoyed this post so much Debbie. I know the word is "join" but the word that came to my heart was "greeting". It's so important that when people do encounter us (Christians) that our love for Jesus and for them come across in our greeting as did Snow and Frost (what great last names). Their kindness toward you drew you even more to keep returning in addition to everything else.

    Thank you for the powerful message that is speaking loud and clear in this post about "join" and that message is kindness--greeting!

    Love you much!

  12. This just made me shout AMEN! I too have not wanted to join...I think my own struggles made me want to hide...so like the enemy to keep us from the one place we need to be, in fellowships, face to face, with other believers

    Thanks for sharing...I am so glad you "Joined"

  13. I love that word. It's so "engaged", which is what comes immediately to my mind. Be is a family, or a friendship, or whatever, being joined is to be connected & committed.

    Great post!

  14. It IS so true isn't it...the Body of Christ is a beautiful thing and we SO need each other. Just beautiful!


I love to read your comments! I know you have something to share so join in the conversation. And thank you for taking the time.

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